
Last Updated: Mar 12, 2025 @ 4:25 PM

A Putins Puppet President? Obamas Truly Shocking Record 3/11/25Conservative, Obama, Remove History
Tulsi Gabbard Warned About What Was Happening in Syria 3/10/25Islam, Violence, Obama
The Long Shadow of Hillary Clinton 3/10/25Clinton, ,
All Roads Lead to Obama. He is the Evil Manchurian Candidate and Communist Mastermind of Everything Bad That Has Happened to America and President Trump 2/26/25Obama, TDS, Socialism
Democrats Beef Isnt With Executive Power, Its With Trump And His Voters 2/19/25Conservative, TDS, Remove History
Son of Woke Anti Trump Bishop Mariann Budde Works for Barack Obama as Battleground States Elections Analyst 2/17/25Christianity, Obama,
Trump Judges Defend Jewish Students on Campus 2/11/25Islam, Education, Freedom
VIDEO: Not Enough People Were Marginalized, So Obama Created DEI (VICTOR DAVIS HANSON) 2/11/25Obama, Conservative, Race
How Socialism Works in America: Remembering Obama GM Boondoggle (STAT%$)2/3/25Economics, Socialism,
2024s Biggest Loser Was Barack Obama 12/31/24Obama, Conservative, Kamala
Is Barack Obama Guilty of Mass Murder and Treason? (WTLD) 12/20/24Islam, Violence, Obama
Video: CIA Whistleblower Pins Execution of Seal Team Six on Hillary, Brennan, Obama and Biden 12/20/24Patriotism, Clinton,
The End of Obamas Foreign Policy Delusions; and Ours? 12/19/24Conservative, Obama,
Obama Floats Pardon Trial Balloon Amid Deep State Frenzy to Get on the List 12/12/24Biden, Freedom, HoaxFraud
Obama Warns of Those Who Rig Elections and Weaponize the Justice System (PROJECTION) 12/6/24Obama, Liberal Bias,
The Obamas Get Their Comeuppance 11/18/24Obama, Kamala,
The Biggest Losers On Election Night Were The Obamas 11/11/24Obama, Kamala,
Obamas Blame Covid Pandemic, Economy for Trump Victory 11/6/24Economics, Kamala, Obama
Obama Administration Shut Down Investigation of Hezbollah as Criminal Enterprise (WTLD) 11/5/24Islam, Violence, Obama
From Clingers to Garbage; Why the 16 Years of Vilification? Derogatory labels and the cultural and socioeconomic divide (VICTOR DAVIS HANSON) 11/4/24Conservative, TDS,
VIDEO: Rod Blagojevich: Kamalas Corruption, & the Real Cause of the Democrat Party Spiral Into Insanity 10/30/24Obama, HoaxFraud,
Michelle Obama Goes All In On Hating Men (DANIEL GREENFIELD)10/29/24Feminism, Kamala,
VIDEO: Obama Says He Doesnt Know How We Became so Divided, Toxic, and Bitte 10/23/24Obama, ,
VIDEO: Kamala Harris Suggests Men Are Misogynist if They Dont Vote For Her in Dumpster Fire Interview with Al Sharpton10/21/24Feminism, Kamala,
The Scent of a Harris Panic in the Air (VICTOR DAVIS HANSON) 10/15/24Conservative, Kamala,
Black Male Voters Slam Obama Shame Tactics for Not Supporting Harris 10/13/24Obama, Race, Kamala
Obama Scolds Black Men for Not Feeling the Idea of a Woman as President10/11/24Race, Kamala, Feminism
Who Exactly Runs the Country? Meet the three Stalinist friendly types who call the shots. 10/8/24Biden, Conservative, Obama
Only Tyrants Fear Free Speech: John Kerry and the media want to control speech to control the people (DANIEL GREENFIELD)10/8/24Freedom, Obama, Media
Bad Ass Law And Order Prosecutor Kamala Should Be Asked About Her Record and Elections (WTLD)9/9/24Violence, Kamala, Socialism
The Unburdened Campaign: When you fake everything, anything is possible (DANIEL GREENFIELD) 8/22/24Conservative, Kamala, Remove History
Fact Check: Obama Falsely Claims Republicans Think Generosity Is for Suckers (PROJECTION)8/21/24Obama, Liberal Bias,
Magic Johnson Mocked for Calling the Obamas DNC Speeches the Best in the History of Our Country 8/21/24Celebrities, Kamala, Obama
Obamas Strategy of Socialist Conquest 8/20/24Socialism, Obama, Conservative
Newly Released Emails Reveal that John Kerry and Obama Admin. Blocked FBI from Arresting Dangerous Iranians Including Terrorists at Least 8 Times (WTLD) 5/23/24Islam, Violence, Obama
The Democrat Partys Antisemitism Went Mainstream With Barack Obama 5/7/24Obama, Race,
Obamas Continuing War on Suburbia, Courtesy of Joe Biden 4/8/24Freedom, Economics, Conservative
Obama Biden Administration Was Creeping Fascism 3/8/24Freedom, Socialism,
VIDEO: Victor Davis Hansono: He (Obama) Is The One Behind Everything 2/27/24Conservative, Obama,
Recapping the two tiered justice system in light of revelations that foreign intel spied on Trump associates 2/16/24TDS, Freedom, Obama
If...Then...20241/29/24Conservative, Freedom,
VIDEO: Journalist Reveals the Clinton Connected Reason Why the Big Fish Elites Who Visited Jeffrey Epsteins Pedo Island Are Not Facing Charges 1/9/24Clinton, Obama, Celebrities
Why Are Americans at Each Others Throats? Ask Barack Obama. 1/8/24Obama, Conservative, Race
Obama Produced Netflix Movie Leave the World Behind Cant Decide How Much It Hates White People 12/13/23Obama, Race,
Still Delusional After All These Years: Obama, Hamas and the venerable doctrine of Islam. 11/16/23Islam, Obama,
Obama Criticizes Israel over Gaza: Dont Harden Palestinian Attitudes for Generations (WTLD) 10/23/23Islam, Violence, Obama
Pentagon CFOs Chief of Staff Has Family Ties to Islamic Terrorism 10/20/23Islam, Violence, Patriotism
Obama, Iran and the Road to Gaza: We Are still living out the consequences of Obamas worldview (WTLD) (DANIEL GREENFIELD)10/20/23Islam, Violence, Obama
Auburn head basketball coach Bruce Pearl, who is Jewish, accused Barack Obama and Joe Biden of helping to create the situation that fostered the horrendous terror attack on Israel last weekend. 10/12/23Biden, Islam, Violence
Michelle Obama got $750,000 for a single speech in Munich 9/27/23Obama, Liberal Bias,
VIDEO: MSNBC Reveals Trump Didnt Start Obama Birther Story 9/12/23Obama, Clinton, HoaxFraud
What the Left Did to Our Country: All the levers of the power and money are on the side of the revolutionaries (VICTOR DAVIS HANSON)9/6/23Conservative, Freedom, Obama
Tucker Carlson promises to out the media for not outing Obama 8/31/23Obama, LGBT,
Trump: Victim of a Radically Transformed Federal Judiciary (STAT%)8/31/23TDS, Freedom, Conservative
I Make Love to Men Daily, But in the Imagination; Barack Obam’s Letter to Former Girlfriend Reveals Frequent Fantasies of Gay Sex 8/12/23Obama, LGBT,
Did Obama Refuse To Condemn Antisemitism And Black Nationalism? Resurfaced Biography Says Yes 8/4/23Obama, Race,
Great Men Are Unconstitutional; Who will ensure that freedom endures 8/2/23Remove History, TDS, Conservative
How did the Clintons, Obamas, and Bidens get rich? And how did Trump? 7/31/23Economics, Biden, Obama
Malik Obama Tweets Brother Barack Obama is Definitely Gay, Then Deletes Tweet in a Panic! 7/17/23LGBT, Obama,
60s Denialism: Affirmative Actions Last Ditch Defense (STAT%$)7/12/23Remove History, Race,
Biden Aids Al Qaeda: Islamic terrorists are getting money, manpower and territory from the White House (STAT%$)(WTLD)7/12/23Islam, Violence, Biden
217 Pages Reveal Obama Admins Building of Trump Russia Narrative7/7/23TDS, Obama, HoaxFraud
Bitter Michelle Obama Releases Statement Following SCOTUS Ruling Against Affirmative Action; But Conveniently Leaves Out Why She Was Accepted to Princeton 6/29/23Education, Race, Obama
Every Living Former U.S. President, Except Donald Trump, Direct Descendants of Slaveholders Including Biden and Obama 6/27/23Remove History, Race,
How Obamas Muslim Childhood Became a Taboo Topic 6/23/23Islam, Obama, Media
Obama Brings Back the Race Card: In 2023, Obama is still addicted to the politics of racial division. 6/22/23Race, Obama,
The lefts assault on the United States military is picking up steam 6/19/23Patriotism, Biden, LGBT
Does Obama pay for anything with his own money? 6/12/23HoaxFraud, Obama,
Michelle Obamas Exploitation of the Black Community 6/9/23Race, Obama,
For Obama, the Cover Up Was Worse than the Crime 5/23/23TDS, HoaxFraud, Obama
Michelle Obama is peddling sugary drinks that dont meet the nutrition standards she advocated as first lady 5/17/23Obama, Healthcare, Liberal Bias
The Durham Report Leaves No Doubt: The FBI Is A Mortal Threat To Democracy 5/16/23TDS, Freedom, HoaxFraud
Lets Compare Media Lies About The Durham Report With What The Report Actually Said 5/16/23TDS, Freedom, HoaxFraud
Durham proved a vast conspiracy to deceive voters about Trump and Russia, but wont indict anyone, so media can bury the story 5/16/23TDS, Freedom, HoaxFraud
Durham Report Shows Governments Misinformation Czars Are The First To Believe It 5/16/23TDS, Freedom, HoaxFraud
Obama: Im Most Worried About Divided Media, We Have Different Realities5/16/23Media, Indoctrination, Obama
The Explosive Durham Report Proves Republicans Cant Afford To Cower In The Fight Against Government Weaponization 5/16/23TDS, Freedom, HoaxFraud
VIDEO: Obama: Our Childrens Lives Are at Risk Because Guns Became a Partisan Issue 5/16/23Guns, Obama,
BOMBSHELL: Obama Admin Had No Actual Evidence Of Collusion By Trump When It Launched Crossfire Hurricane Investigation 5/15/23TDS, HoaxFraud, Clinton
Durham Report: FBI Proposed Paying Russia Collusion Hoaxer Igor Danchenko To Silence Him After Learning He Lied 5/15/23TDS, HoaxFraud, Clinton
Durham: Obama, Biden Briefed in 2016 on Clintons Plan to Link Trump to Russia, Still Pushed Collusion Hoax 5/15/23TDS, HoaxFraud, Clinton
Everything The FBI Deliberately Ignored To Get Trump In Russian Collusion Hoax, According To Durham 5/15/23TDS, HoaxFraud, Freedom
Durham Report: Plan by Hillary Clinton to Link Trump to Russia Was Briefed by John Brennan to Obama and Biden in August 2016!5/15/23TDS, Biden, Clinton
Sanctuary State California: Accused Serial Killer Freed into U.S. at Border by Obamas DHS 5/9/23Immigration, Violence,
How the Left Weaponized Our Legal System 4/21/23TDS, Freedom, Conservative
VIDEO: Flashback: Obama Promised Obamacare Would Not Apply to Illegal Aliens 4/13/23Immigration, Healthcare, Obama
VIDEO: Tucker Carlson exposes the pretenders in US politics 4/13/23Remove History, HoaxFraud, Conservative
This trial would have drawn major coverage if it would have been about Trump instead of the election of Obama and Biden in 2012 4/7/23HoaxFraud, Biden, Obama
Evening Nets Ignore How CCP Tied Financier Tried to Funnel Millions to Obama Campaign (OMISSION) 4/6/23Media, HoaxFraud, Obama
Leo DiCaprio sworn testimony is a gross reminder of how the D.C. Establishment makes the sausage (stat%$)4/6/23Obama, HoaxFraud,
Leonardo DiCaprio testifies that CCP linked Malaysian financier, now a fugitive, sent $30 million to Obama during 2012 campaign 4/5/23Obama, HoaxFraud, Socialism
It Is Completely Bogus. It is a Bogus Charge That He is Bringing. It is Laughable and It is Actually Going to Backfire Spectacularly 3/31/23TDS, Freedom,
If Democrats Really Cared About Campaign Finance Laws, Hillary Clinton And Obama Would Have Felt Their Wrath Years Ago 3/20/23TDS, Obama, Clinton
Michelle Obama Recalls Uncontrollable Sobbing When Trump Became President 3/7/23TDS, Obama,
Obama Went After General Flynn Because He Was a Risk of Indicting Him and Hillary for High Crimes and Misdemeanors 2/23/23Obama, HoaxFraud,
VIDEO: Twitter outs the Biden and Obama corruption in Ukraine bioweapons 1/30/23Obama, Biden, HoaxFraud
Obama Warns About the Raw Sewage of Disinformation 1/30/23Remove History, Obama, Conservative
Dan Bongino Has Two Theories About Bidens Classified Documents; Neither of Them Look Good 1/17/23Conservative, Biden, Obama
REMINDER: Barack Obama with the Help of Some RINOs Passed a Law to Make It Legal for Government to Propagandize the American People 12/12/22Obama, Remove History, Indoctrination
Bidens IRS Commish Pick Covered Up Obama Targeting of Conservatives: The reward for covering up one crime is the opportunity to cover up the next one (DANIEL GREENFIELD)12/5/22Freedom, HoaxFraud, Economics
CRIMINAL CORRUPTION: Biden Special Prosecutor of Trump is Corrupt and Conflicted; His Wife Produced Michelle Obama Documentary11/22/22TDS, Freedom, Obama
Special Counsel Jack Smith Tried to Find Ways to Target Conservatives During Obama IRS Scandal11/21/22TDS, Freedom, Economics
Obama Goes Jussie Smollett With a Fake Noose: The Obama Presidential Center finds a noose as fundraising declines. 11/21/22HoaxFraud, Race, Obama
How Obamas Big Economic Lie Caused Our Inflation Crisis (DANIEL GREENFIELD) 11/17/22Conservative, Economics, Obama
TObama says democracy under threat if Republicans win in Arizona 11/4/22Obama, Biden,
LIST: Biden ignored the political violence that was used by the left to attack former President Trump and his supporters (stat%) 11/3/22Violence, TDS, Remove History
Title 10/27/22TDS, HoaxFraud,
Barack Obama: Sometimes You Just Have to Beat Racist, Angry, and Sexist Republicans 10/10/22Obama, Race,
The Biden Pelosi Schumer deficits are a catastrophe; $1.4 Trillion on this fiscal year. Previous high before the pandemic was $587 billion by Obama (stat%)10/10/22Economics, Biden,
Joe Biden Blames MAGA Republicans After Court Rules Again that DACA Program Is Unconstitutional 10/6/22Immigration, Obama,
What Happens When Obamas Illegal DACA Amnesty Goes to the Supreme Court? 10/6/22Immigration, Obama,
Obamas SUV parked in a handicapped spot for 2 hours as he enjoyed upscale sushi with his daughters in LA 9/26/22Obama, California,
Obama Foundation Held (and May Still Be Holding) Classified Documents in an Unsecured Furniture Warehouse but FBI Doesnt Care 9/22/22TDS, Freedom, Obama
Obama Foundation executives earn lavish salaries as fundraising plummets, and it defaults on agreement with city 9/8/22Obama, HoaxFraud,
IRS Official Nikole Flax Who Was Involved in the IRS Conservative Targeting Scandal; Is Picked to Lead the Centralized Office for the New 87,000 Employees 8/26/22Freedom, Economics, Biden
Obama Attorney General Eric Holder In 2016: Threatening To Jail Political Opponents Is An Abuse Of Power 8/9/22TDS, Freedom,
The Party of Violence 7/14/22Violence, Perverse,
The Biden White House caters to the rich just as Obamas did 6/30/22Economics, Biden, Obama
King Hypocrite Obama to Install Massive 2,500 Gallons Propane Tank for his Seaside Home in Marthas Vineyard 6/16/22Obama, Environmental,
OBAMA WAS IN ON IT: More Information Comes Out that Corrupt Obama Was Behind Russia Collusion Setup6/8/22TDS, HoaxFraud, Obama
POLL: In 2010 only 13% Americans were greatly concerned or worried about the state of race relations in the country (it skyrocketed to 42% by the end of Obamas second term)(STAT%) 6/1/22Race, Obama,
Democrat hypocrisy on guns, gun control, and defunding the police 5/26/22Guns, Conservative,
Barack Obama Uses Texas Shooting to Memorialize George Floyd 5/25/22Race, Violence, Obama
The Woke Rationale for Censorship: Repressive tolerance trumps freedom of speech for the Left. 5/17/22Socialism, Media, Indoctrination
How Obama and Biden Destroyed the Greatest Military the World Has Ever Seen 4/29/22Patriotism, Biden, Obama
Leaders of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Nonpartisan Election Fund Identified You Wont Believe Their Names; David Plouffe, Obama campaign manager4/25/22VoterFraud, Obama,
Obama talks about disinformation and calls for social media censorship 4/22/22Media, Indoctrination,
Obama and Hillary Push for Government Censorship and Restrictions on Speech Claiming This Will Bolster World Democracy 4/22/22Media, Indoctrination,
VIDEO: Barack Obama Admits Billions of People Were Guinea Pigs For Covid Vaccine, Claims People are Dying Because of Misinformation 4/21/22Healthcare, Science, Obama
VIDEO: It Was Barack Obama Who First Pushed Teaching Sex Education to Kindergarteners Back in 2007; He Even Pushed Sex Ed to Kiddies Legislation 4/21/22Education, Indoctrination,
VIDEO: Obama has been on quite a mission the past week to rewrite history (and most of the media just applauds) 4/15/22Obama, Remove History,
Tony Dungy Responds Unapologetically To Leftist Outrage Over His Fatherhood Comments: Obama Said The Same Things 4/13/22Media, Race, Celebrities
Barack Obama Comes Out Against the First Amendment 4/11/22Obama, ,
Barack Obama Is Un-American and Awful (LINKS)4/8/22Obama, Patriotism,
Barack Obama And Company Dishonestly Lecture UChicago Students On Disinformation 4/7/22Media, Liberal Bias, Indoctrination
Obama Had Chance To Deport Illegal Alien Now Charged With Florida Couples Grisly Murder 4/6/22Immigration, Violence,
Revealed: New Doc Shows How an Obama-Tied Dark Money Group Used Zuckerbergs Cash to Swing Election4/5/22VoterFraud, ,
VIDEO: Biden in 2012: Romney Stuck in Cold War Mentality on Russia 3/14/22Obama, Biden, Remove History
Phoenix Suns Chris Paul Joins Forces With Obamas To Fight Voter Suppression3/11/22VoterFraud, Celebrities,
VIDEO: Lead Russian Negotiator Caught on Tape Bragging About How Iran, Russia and China Teamed Up to Screw US and Deliver Huge Wins for Iranian Nuclear Program3/7/22Obama, Biden, Islam
It is imperative for the public to learn the truth of which presidents catered to Putin and greatly helped him fund his evil war3/1/22Socialism, Remove History,
Blue State Blues: How Trump Stopped Putin; and Why Bush, Obama, and Biden Failed 2/25/22Biden, Conservative,
OBAMA CIA SPIED ON PRESIDENT TRUMP Was Fed President Trumps Transition Material by Hillary Operatives 2/22/22TDS, HoaxFraud,
Durham scandal: The sheer dishonesty of the media is astounding (stat%)2/17/22Media, Liberal Bias, Indoctrination
Anti Defamation League Senior VP: Kudos To My Former Boss, George Soros: Meet the Obama mentor and Soros lawyer heading up the ADLs civil rights. 2/8/22Media, Indoctrination, Freedom
An Obama photograph proves the lies of climate change and COVID 2/7/22Environmental, Obama,
Communisms Woke Gods Must Be Crazy 2/3/22Socialism, ,
VIDEO: I Think She is a Cunt Former Obama Aide Lashes Out at Senator Sinema for Supporting Filibuster 1/27/22Obama, Perverse,
Obama DoD OIG Official Sentenced to 7.5 Years in Prison For Accepting Bribes and Defrauding US Government 1/17/22HoaxFraud, Obama,
NYT Warns of Right Wing Threat to Democracy, Calls to War Game Insurgency, Secession, Civil War1/14/22Media, Liberal Bias,
Michelle Obama: We Must Give Congress No Choice1/11/22VoterFraud, ,
Oprah, Obama and B. Clinton Call Joe Manchin and Urge Him to Drop Filibuster and Pass Ballot Harvesting, Midnight Drop Boxes, No Voter ID Laws1/7/22VoterFraud, Obama,
VIDEO: More Strange RACISM From Joy Reid 1/7/22Media, Race, Biden
Despite What the White House Says, Obamacare Is Deeply Troubled (stat%) 12/20/21Healthcare, Economics,
How Obama Sabotaged the American Military: Obama fundamentally transformed the military the way that he did the country (Daniel Greenfield) 12/8/21Obama, Indoctrination, Race
Jeff Bezos Donates $100 Million to Obama Foundation 11/22/21Media, Obama,
VIDEO: Obamas Evolving Views 11/20/21Remove History, Healthcare, Environmental
VIDEO Obamas Role in the Russian Collusion Hoax11/17/21TDS, HoaxFraud, Obama
Wreaking a Fundamental Change in the Economy: Biden aims to complete Obama demolition of a free and prosperous America. 10/21/21Immigration, Biden, Obama
Two Expert Failures and Their Consequences: How our technocratic elites have discarded traditional wisdom (stat%)10/19/21Economics, Remove History, Conservative
VIDEO: A Vindictive Judge Locks Up a Jan. 6 Protestor Despite the Justice Departments Wishes; An Obama judge, Tanya Chutkan, sent a January 6 protester to prison when even the Justice Department didnt want to lock him up. Why? Out of vindictive anger against another judge. 10/7/21Perverse, TDS, Violence
ESPN Sage Steele Blasted After Saying Barack Obamas Black Father Was Nowhere to Be Found 10/4/21Media, Race, Obama
How Durham Bombshell Made a Birther Out of Me 9/21/21TDS, HoaxFraud, Freedom
VIDEO Flashback: Jen Psaki says Bowe Bergdahl Prisoner Swap Was Absolutely Worth It 9/9/21Islam, Obama, Biden
40 Years of Misunderstanding Islam: When will it be time to listen to what the jihadists tell us about their faith-based hostility and ambitions? 8/26/21Islam, Violence, Conservative
The Lesson of the Afghanistan Debacle: What we should never do again - and what we have to focus on instead. 8/20/21Islam, Violence, Conservative
Big Media belatedly catching on to Obama's phoniness 8/17/21Media, HoaxFraud, Obama
VIDEO: Jen Psaki Delivers Word Salad And Tries to Blame Trump When Asked About Joe Biden Having Released a Taliban Leader From Gitmo as VP8/17/21Islam, Violence, TDS
Obama Freed The Taliban Leader Who Engineered Kabul Takeover8/17/21Islam, Violence, Perverse
Afghanistan Didnt Fall: It Never Existed (Daniel Greenfield) 8/16/21Islam, Violence,
At least 63 people on Marthas Vineyard are COVID positive after Obama birthday party8/13/21Healthcare, Liberal Bias, Obama
Obama Birthday Bash to Smash All Known Woke Values 8/4/21Healthcare, Environmental, Obama
COVID Rules Are for the Little People: Obama to Hold Lavish 60th Birthday Bash for Himself at Martha’s Vineyard with 200 Staff and 475 Guests 8/2/21Healthcare, Freedom, Obama
Bidens Bridge is Falling Down: A decade of false promises (stat%) (Daniel Greenfield)7/30/21Environmental, Economics, Remove History
Democrat-Media Complex Highly Embarrassed by Anti Socialist Uprising: Cuba reportage from the Left has curiously dried up in the last two weeks. 7/29/21Socialism, Obama, Media
Dreams from His Stalinist: A Marxist regime and separate black nation within America. 7/26/21Socialism, Obama, Conservative
Federal Judge Rules Obama DACA Program Illegal, Blocks New Enrollments 7/16/21Immigration, Freedom,
New Anti Terrorism Strategy Narrowly Tailored to Target the Right: The NSC ignores Islamic terrorism and joins the Obama and Biden jihad against ordinary Americans. 7/7/21Freedom, Perverse, Islam
VIDEO: Obama: Worrisome that Majority of Republicans Actually Believed Misinformation Trump Won in 20206/30/21VoterFraud, ,
Did Obama Plagiarize the Kenya Section of Dreams? A surreal journey into historical fictions. 6/29/21Obama, HoaxFraud,
Kamala Gaslights America; Blames Trump for Biden Border Crisis, Lashes Out at Trump for Kids in Cages;Something They have Quadrupled!6/25/21Immigration, TDS, Biden
Obama and the Broken Nation He Made Come Of Age: A generation doesnt remember life before the crises he created (Daniel Greenfield) 6/25/21Remove History, Socialism, Race
The Anti Trump Verbal Preemptive Cringe; WSJ Conservative pundits might do well not taking their cues from Democrat elites. 6/24/21TDS, Conservative,
Why Flag Day Disturbs Obama and the Dems: A presidents troubling relationship with the American flag.6/14/21Patriotism, Obama, Conservative
Why Obama is So Defensive of Critical Race Theory 6/9/21Education, Indoctrination, Race
Gaslight: Obama blames Trump for anti Semitic surge 6/8/21TDS, Obama, Race
Former Obama AG Eric Holder, Held In Contempt of Congress Charge, Again Ignores Constitution and Says DOJ Should Stop 2020 Election Audit of Maricopa County6/8/21VoterFraud, Obama,
A regime based on fraud and media collusion6/7/21Media, Indoctrination, HoaxFraud
Barack and Michelle Obama Creating Netflix Animated Series to Reframe Childrens Understanding of Government 6/2/21Education, Indoctrination, Remove History
Memorial Days of Biden and Barry: Aversion to victory, kindness to deserters, strength through diversity, and mass murder of American soldiers as workplace violence 5/31/21Perverse, Conservative, Biden
Obama Judge Uses 200 year old Ruling to Claim Bannon Was Guilty by Accepting President Trumps Pardon; Then Dismisses Case. By ruling that Bannon was guilty of crimes without hearing the case or the evidence, she is showing that she (like all Obama judges) is not fair minded and should be removed from the case which is still in place with three other innocent victims of the SDNY 5/25/21Freedom, Liberal Bias,
Obama Appointed Judge Approves Deferred Prosecution Deal For Two Prison Guards Who Admitted to Falsifying Records in Epstein Case 5/25/21Freedom, Liberal Bias,
George Papadopoulos: I put my reputation on the line that Durham will expose conspiracy by Obama admin 5/24/21TDS, Freedom, HoaxFraud
The Biden Administration announced they will release three terrorists from Gitmo but no mention of plans to release innocent Americans who were arrested for walking through the US Capitol on January 6th. 5/21/21TDS, Violence, Islam
While China Plots War, Bidens Military Goes Woke: Electric cars, critical race theory, and defeatism (Daniel Greenfield) 5/13/21Islam, Violence, Biden
Politico: Reporters fume at heavy handed Biden administration news management5/11/21Media, Indoctrination,
The 14 Most Troubling Obama And Kerry Lies About The JCPOA Iran Nuke Deal 4/30/21Islam, Violence, HoaxFraud
VIDEO: Former Obama Health Advisor Pushes QR Code Vaccine Passports on MSNBC4/30/21Healthcare, Freedom,
Networks Censor John Kerry Betraying Israel to Terrorist Backing Iran4/26/21Islam, Violence, Media
Democrats cry racism for a picture of Alabama QB Mac Jones in NoBama costume4/16/21Celebrities, Race, Media
Had Obama Not Played the Race Card, George Floyd Might Be Alive (Larry Elder)4/15/21Race, Obama, Conservative
Never Woke Enough; Obamas Blacklisted from Having School Named After Them because he does not represent the undocumented community. 4/14/21Education, Immigration, Obama
Dozens of Gitmo Captives Confirmed to Reengage in Terrorism after Release are At Large 4/14/21Islam, Violence, Obama
Joe Biden Team Learns Nothing and Forgets Nothing: Returning to failure (stat%) 4/13/21Economics, Islam, Obama
Protect Democracy Project; The Group Threatening Arizona Auditors Is Connected to Obama, Soros, China and Bidens DOJ4/7/21VoterFraud, Freedom, Liberal Bias
Lovely Former HUD Official Lynne Patton Charged with Violating Hatch Act for Speaking at 2020 RNC — Something SIX Obama Officials Did at the 2012 DNC (VIDEO)4/7/21Liberal Bias, Freedom,
Obama FTC Handed Google Its Monopoly After Google Execs Helped Obama Win His Second Re-election 3/23/21Media, Indoctrination, Freedom
Spending Bill Enriches High-Income Households, Health Insurers (stat%). Congress $1.9 trillion spending package includes a provision to increase subsidies for high income households in Obamacare plans and direct more money to the health insurance industry. A family of four earning $212,000 a year could receive $11,000 in tax credits if they purchase a plan from the Obamacare exchanges. So you are looking at $34,000 per person of taxpayer money to do this. We are already spending $50 billion on Obamacare subsidies and we havent increased private coverage at all; still only 10 million enrolled, not the anticipated 25 million Obama claimed3/19/21Healthcare, Economics,
Liberal Court Reinstates Conviction of General Flynn’s Former Business Partner Whose Ultimate Crime Was Outing a Terrorist Who Obama Was Protecting in the US 3/18/21Freedom, Islam, HoaxFraud
Philip Haney Not Resting in Peace. Philip Haney: Obama officials should have had their clearances revoked a long time ago. Haney had provided evidence that the Obama administration could have prevented terrorist attacks but didnt.2/24/21Obama, Islam, Violence
Lying About Obama: A new biography uncovers the facts behind the fake news and the alledged scandal free president 2/19/21Obama, ,
Study: Terrorist Militias Surged After Iran Nuclear Deal 2/11/21Islam, Violence, Obama
You Will Be Made to Believe Implausible Things 1/31/21Healthcare, Science, Indoctrination
Wannabe Tyrant Michelle Obama Calls For Tech Companies to Permanently Ban President Trump From Their Platforms 1/7/21Media, Liberal Bias, Obama
With Biden, one set of laws for them, another set for us 12/23/20Freedom, Liberal Bias,
VIDEO: Obama: Not Easy to Unwind Fox News, Rush Limbaugh Falsely Claiming White Males Are Victims11/25/20Race, Obama, Liberal Bias
Joe Biden advised against Osama bin Laden raid, Barack Obama writes 11/12/20Islam, Violence, Biden
Michelle Obama Demonizes 70 Million Americans Who Voted For Trump: Support Hate, Chaos, Division11/7/20Obama, TDS, Race
Where Obama Failed, Trump Is Succeeding (stat%) 10/30/20Economics, Conservative,
Exposing Liberals Tiny Fraction Lie of violent rioters (stat%)10/26/20Violence, Race, Obama
Turning the Tables on Democrats Russia Hoax 10/9/20TDS, Freedom, HoaxFraud
Fact Check: Michelle Obama Repeats Suckers and Losers Claim in Video for Joe Bidene 10/6/20TDS, Obama, HoaxFraud
Joe Biden Giving Eulogy of KKK Recruiter Robert Byrd Resurfaced After Trump Doesnt Condemn White Supremacists10/1/20Race, Biden, Remove History
Trump PAC Threatens Libel Suit Over Blatant Lies About Obamas Voice in USA Today Fact Check 9/18/20Media, Indoctrination, Obama
Obama is Responsible for Racial Tensions in America Today 9/14/20Obama, Race,
VIDEO: Joe Biden: Trump Screwed Up Good Economy Inherited from the Obama-Biden Administration 8/27/20Economics, Obama,
Joe Biden ignores Ferguson and Baltimore to claim no racial riots in last 4 years under Obama 8/27/20Violence, Race, Obama
Democrats Wish Upon a Star: Welcome to the Happy Land of pathetic progressive make believe (stat%)8/26/20Conservative, TDS,
Fact Check: Obama Misleads on Coronavirus Getting Worse in U.S 8/21/20Obama, Healthcare, TDS
Joe Bidens Orwellian Rewrite of History: The willingness to distort the past is one of the Lefts most important weapons for instituting tyranny (stat%)8/21/20Remove History, Economics, Obama
Progressives Empathy Hypocrisy: Michelle Obama and the cheapest form of virtue signaling8/19/20Obama, Liberal Bias,
8 Times The Obama Administration Didnt Exactly Go High Against Their Political Opposition 8/18/20Obama, Remove History,
Obama: I Make Love to Men Daily8/18/20LGBT, Obama,
Barack Obama and His Race Card (George Wallace, Bull Connor) 8/17/20Race, Remove History, TDS
Kamala Big Fat Lie About The Trump Economy 8/14/20Economics, Liberal Bias, TDS
Democrats, Wasnt Life Great Before Trump? 8/7/20Liberal Bias, TDS, Obama
Michelle Obama Blames Her Low Grade Depression Partly On Hypocrisy Of Trump Administration 8/6/20TDS, Obama,
Barack Obama Had the George Wallace Story Backwards. Former President Barack Obama compared President Donald Trump to George Wallace at John Lewis funeral, likening the president to one of the more notorious villains of the Jim Crow era. Wallace was a Democrat — though he is often falsely portrayed as a Republican 8/3/20Remove History, TDS, Liberal Bias
Obama DOD Started Indoctrinating Our Troops on Racism and Privilege, New Docs Show 7/16/20Indoctrination, ,
WaPo Factchecker Glenn Kessler Gets Schooled on Trump Immigration Plans (DACA) 7/14/20Immigration, Media, Liberal Bias
Patriotism Wasnt Racist When Obama Celebrated Independence Day 7/6/20Patriotism, TDS, Race
LA Times: If white America wants racial progress, it must stop supporting politicians like Trump (Amnesia) (Rebuttal article https://www.city-journal.org/html/obamas-biggest-failure-14638.html)7/3/20TDS, Race, Obama
Black Lives Matter Founder Mentored by Ex Domestic Terrorist Who Worked with Bill Ayers6/24/20Perverse, Race, Socialism
When Obama Asked Russia to Help Him Win Re election6/19/20Obama, ,
he Supreme Courts Convoluted Reasoning in the DACA Case 6/19/20Immigration, Freedom,
10 Times Barack Obama Acknowledged That DACA Was Unconstitutional 6/18/20Immigration, Freedom, Obama
Justice Roberts Decides Obama is Still President (DACA) (Daniel Greenfield)6/18/20Freedom, Immigration, Obama
Obama vs. African Americans: How the president deployed white education secretary Arne Duncan to keep black students trapped in failing schools. 6/16/20Obama, Education, Race
Liberals Still Think Obama Was the Best President Ever, Here Are 14 Reasons Why Thats Ridiculous6/14/20Obama, Liberal Bias, Conservative
City Boots Church Because Pastor Liked a Tweet About Obamas Coronavirus Hypocrisy 6/12/20Healthcare, Christianity, Freedom
A data scientist, Jonathan Chait, who once worked for President Obama reelection campaign who was fired from a research firm for retweeting an academic study suggesting that nonviolent protests may be more politically effective than violent ones. 6/11/20Freedom, Media, Liberal Bias
Justice Is Coming: As Many as 16 17 Obamagate Criminal Referrals Headed to DOJ 6/8/20Freedom, HoaxFraud, TDS
Barack Obama Urges Activists to Capitalize on George Floyd Outrage6/1/20Obama, Violence, Race
The Riots Began With Obamas Embrace of Occupy Wall Street 5/31/20Race, Economics, Vandalism
Journalist Lose His Blue Check Twitter Verification for Covering Obama Abuses?5/26/20Freedom, Media, Indoctrination
Jake Tapper Calls Obamagate Crackpot Conspiracy Theory. Here is 10 Times He Promoted The Trump Russia Conspiracy 5/21/20Media, Liberal Bias, Obama
Obamagate Must Result in Criminal Prosecutions 5/20/20Freedom, TDS, Conservative
Attorney General Barr: What Obama Admin Did To Trump With Russian Collusion Actions Is Unprecedented 5/18/20TDS, Obama, Freedom
Acts of Treason: The crime that dare not speak its name. 5/18/20TDS, Obama, Freedom
VIDEO: James Clapper: I Dont Recall What Prompted a Request That Was Made on My Behalf for Unmasking Flynn 5/14/20Freedom, TDS, HoaxFraud
Trump Calls for Barack Obama to Testify Over Flynn Unmasking Scandal 5/14/20Freedom, TDS, HoaxFraud
Senator Breaks Down Why The Obama Adminis Unmasking Scandal Is A Big Deal 5/13/20Freedom, TDS, HoaxFraud
U.S. Officials Have Declassified List Of Obama Officials Who Were Involved In Unmasking General Flynn5/11/20TDS, Freedom, HoaxFraud
Obamagate: President Trump Goes After Obama: The treasonous investigators and their instigator become the investigated (Daniel Greenfield) 5/11/20Obama, Freedom, TDS
Obama Knew of Flynn Wiretaps, Declassified Docs Show 5/7/20Obama, Freedom, TDS
Michelle Obama: Having Children a Concession that Cost Me Dreams5/6/20Obama, Feminism,
Barack Obama Goes Golfing at Country Club the Day After Michelle Urged African Americans to Stay Home 4/29/20Obama, Liberal Bias,
Obama Snaps GOP Has Massive War Chest, Propaganda Network. Cruz Demolishes Him. 4/14/20Obama, Economics, Indoctrination
Barack Obama Joins Democrats Push for Vote by Mail During Coronavirus Crisis4/10/20Freedom, HoaxFraud, Obama
VIDEO: CBS IGNORES That Obama Depleted Supply and Never Restocked4/8/20Obama, Media, Liberal Bias
Obamas tweet stated: We have seen all too terribly the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic. We cant afford any more consequences of climate denia 4/2/20Environmental, TDS, Obama
FLASHBACK: The Obama Administration Repeatedly Sought Millions in CDC Cuts 3/30/20Healthcare, Economics,
VIDEO: Obama Calls Trump a Fascist and 5 Other Lowlights from Hulus Hillary Documentary3/10/20Media, Clinton, TDS
Facebook Politifact Fact Check, Says President Barack Obama waited 6 months to call swine flu an emergency after thousands died. Obama did not declare a national emergency until October 2009, Obama acting director of health and human services declared H1N1 a public health emergency on April 26, 2009, but Obama did not declare a national emergency until 6 months after in October 2/29/20Healthcare, Obama, Media
Fact Check: Obama Waited Until Millions Infected and 1000 Dead in U.S. Before Declaring H1N1 Emergency 2/28/20Obama, Media, Healthcare
Democrats Didnt Care When Obama Granted Clemency to a Terrorist, But Want to Investigate Trumps Pardons2/21/20Liberal Bias, TDS, Obama
CNN Claims Obama Has the High Side on Economy Dispute with Trump 2/19/20Economics, Obama, Media
Obama Tries To Take Credit For Trumps Economy. It Backfires Bigly 2/17/20Obama, Economics,
Trump Responds To Obama Trying To Take Credit For Economy (stat%) 2/17/20Economics, Obama,
Alan Dershowitz: I Have Proof Obama Ordered FBI Investigation At Request Of George Soros 2/17/20Obama, Freedom,
California school changes its name from Woodrow Wilson to Michelle Obama2/13/20Remove History, Obama,
5 Times Barack Obama Used the Government to Attack His Political Enemies 2/13/20Freedom, Obama,
5 Times Barack Obama Protected His Allies from Justice and Democrats Didnt Care2/12/20Obama, Freedom, Liberal Bias
Obama Wingman Eric Holder Claims Unprecedented Politicization of DOJ Under Trump2/12/20Obama, Remove History, TDS
Former Obama Speechwriters Are Penning Actors Acceptance Speeches For Award Season2/10/20Indoctrination, Celebrities, Obama
Obama Film Director Quotes Communist Manifesto at the Oscars2/10/20Socialism, Celebrities, Perverse
Obama Oscar Winning American Factory Omits His Own Role in Ohio Factorys Closing2/9/20Obama, Media, Liberal Bias
Obama backed documentary American Factory wins Academy Award2/9/20Obama, Media, Liberal Bias
VIDEO: CNNs Fact Checkers Rush to Give Obama Credit For Good Economy2/6/20TDS, Economics, Obama
Report: Obama Admin Was Frozen by Paralysis of Analysis in Fighting Russian Interference in 2016 Election2/6/20Obama, HoaxFraud,
Fact Checkers Have Become the Janissaries of the Obama Legacy2/5/20Obama, Media, Indoctrination
VIDEO: Adam Schiff Claims Its Wrong for President to Investigate Rival — After Defending Obama Investigating Trump 1/29/20Liberal Bias, Freedom, TDS
Impeach Obama for Inciting Black Lives Matter Riots (Daniel Greenfield) 1/25/20Race, Violence, Obama
NYT Reportedly Killed Story Revealing Obama WH Meeting With Whistleblower about Bidens and Burisma 1/23/20Media, Liberal Bias, Obama
Elizabeth Warren Asked Obama to Exonerate Ethel Rosenberg: Clearing the name of a traitor was a priority for the Democratic presidential candidate.1/17/20Liberal Bias, Remove History,
7 Times the GAO Found the Obama Administration Violated Federal Law 1/16/20TDS, Obama, Freedom
VIDEO: Andrea Mitchell Spins for Obama on Iran: Droning Now Different Than Droning Then! 1/15/20TDS, Media, Liberal Bias
Barack and Michelle Obama Get Oscar Nomination for Being The Obamas1/13/20Obama, Media, Liberal Bias
The New Racism: More bizarre, and toxic, ideas from the Left about inclusion and diversity (Walter Williams) (regressive)1/13/20Race, Indoctrination, Conservative
The Great Recession: Reparations Gone Bad (Larry Elder) 1/9/20Race, Obama, Conservative
VIDEO: To Fact Check Trump Lies, MSNBC Turns to....Benghazi Liar Susan Rice? 1/8/20TDS, Media, Obama
Inspector General Report Reveals FBI Had Informants Inside The Trump Campaign 12/23/19TDS, Freedom, Obama
In an article called How America went from Barack Obama to Donald Trump in one head spinning political decade written for USA Today, Princeton University historians Kevin M. Kruse and Julian E. Zelizer proved once again just how desperate academia is to put objectivity aside in favor of an Orwellian rewriting of history. While technically the article is an opinion piece, it is full of falsehoods and misrepresentations that you would think would be beneath anyone who fancies themself a historian. 12/22/19Remove History, Obama, Professors
Democrat congressional candidate Justin Lecea, a self described Bernie Democrat who is running to unseat Rep. Joaquin Castro (D) in Texas 20th Congressional District, tweeted this week that former President Barack Obama deserved cancer or worse and also made disturbing remarks that appear to show that he supports shooting Republicans. 12/17/19Perverse, Liberal Bias, Obama
Barack Obama, On Behalf of All Men, Says to Women: You Are Better Than Us (matt walsh)12/16/19Feminism, Obama,
Five Times Obama Put Conditions on Foreign Aid and Democrats Didnt Care 12/10/19Obama, TDS, Liberal Bias
VIDEO: Aghast to learn extent of Obama AGs involvement in FBI Trump probe: Fmr independent counsel 12/10/19TDS, Freedom, Obama
Video: Obamas Malicious Libel Against America 12/9/19Obama, Conservative, Video
5 Times Democrats Didnt Care When Obama Committed Obstruction of Justice12/6/19Obama, Freedom,
90 More Foreign Students Arrested During ICE Sting at Fake University11/28/19Immigration, HoaxFraud,
Barack Obama Started the Fake University ICE Sting Liberals Are so Outraged About11/28/19Immigration, HoaxFraud,
Washington Post: Obama Is A Conservative11/25/19Obama, Media, Liberal Bias
Where Was the Love for Whistleblowers During the Obama Administration? 11/21/19Obama, TDS, Freedom
Hunter Biden Linked Investment Firm Granted $130M In Fed Bailout Loans While Dad Was Vice President: Report11/21/19Economics, HoaxFraud, Liberal Bias
Media Outlets Retract Child-Detention Story That Relied on Obama Era Data 11/20/19Immigration, TDS, Obama
Neurological Issues: Former Obama Physician Floats Trump Health Conspiracy Theory On CNN 11/19/19TDS, Liberal Bias, Healthcare
A report by the United Nations (UN) falsely blamed President Trump for the detention of 100,000 migrant children who, in fact, were held in federal immigration custody in 2015 by President Obama. 11/19/19Immigration, TDS, Obama
Obama Granted Clemency to Terrorists and Traitors, But We are Supposed to Be Angry at Trumps Pardons 11/17/19Violence, Obama, TDS
FLASHBACK: President Barack Obama Fired All George W. Bush-Appointed Ambassadors in 200811/15/19Obama, TDS, Freedom
End the War on Trump, Abolish the National Security Council: We can have free elections or the NSC (Daniel Greenfield) 11/14/19TDS, Freedom, Obama
MSNBC Fact Checks Pence on Economy, Says Obama Should Get Credit 11/8/19Economics, Media, Liberal Bias
Rush Limbaugh: Whistleblowers Identity Revealed, Now We Know Why Dems Wanted To Hide It. The 33 year old Ciaramella, a registered Democrat held over from the Obama White House, previously worked with former Vice President Joe Biden and former CIA Director John Brennan, a vocal critic of Trump who helped initiate the Russia collusion investigation of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election. Further, Ciaramella (pronounced char-a-MEL-ah) left his National Security Council posting in the White Houses West Wing in mid 2017 amid concerns about negative leaks to the media. 10/31/19TDS, Freedom, Liberal Bias
Obama Goes MAGA, Slams Wokeness and Call Out Culture 10/30/19Obama, Conservative, PC
Former First Lady Michelle Obama said that she cant make people not afraid of black people, though she tries to pick away at the scabs of discrimination in white flight10/30/19Obama, Race,
Saudi National Gave Thousands of Illegal Donations to Obama Inaugural Committee, Report Finds 10/29/19Obama, Freedom, HoaxFraud
Joe Biden Claims He Told Obama Not to Endorse Him; Yeah, Thats the Ticket 10/28/19Liberal Bias, Obama,
17 Democrats Who Weren’t Held Accountable for Scandals by Their Constituents10/24/19Freedom, Liberal Bias, Perverse
Judge to State Dept: Release Ukraine Documents to Watchdog Founded by Former Obama Officials10/24/19Freedom, TDS, Liberal Bias
The Supreme Court Is Poised to Strike Down a Major Obama-Era Agency: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau concentrates power in the hands of a single, unelected, unaccountable official. 10/21/19Freedom, Obama,
Impeachment is Built on a Trap That Obama Created for Romney: A weapon against a Romney administration gets used against Trump (Daniel Greenfield)10/7/19TDS, Freedom, Obama
VIDEO: Obamas Wingman Eric Holder Says an Attorney General Has to Appear to Be Neutral10/1/19Liberal Bias, Obama, Freedom
FBI data shows that President Donald Trump has helped save more than 1,000 lives by reversing the crime wave that emerged amid Barack Obamas crackdown on state and local police forces. 10/1/19Race, Violence, Obama
Christian colleges cheer Trump administration plan to end religious discrimination against contractors 9/30/19Christianity, Education, Freedom
Joe Biden Campaign Asks Media to Blacklist Rudy Giuliani, Echoing Obamas Fight to Control the Press 9/30/19Freedom, Media, Liberal Bias
Flashback: Obama Admin Asked Ukraine to Investigate Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort 9/27/19Obama, TDS, Freedom
Trumps Economic Triumph (stat%)9/26/19Economics, Conservative,
Video: Revealed - Obamas Betrayal of SEAL Team Six 9/19/19Obama, Conservative, Video
Obama on Climate Kid Greta Thunberg: One of Our Planets Greatest Advocates 9/18/19Environmental, Obama,
Prominent Gay Democrat Donor Arrested After Third Overdose Victim Found in Home9/18/19LGBT, Violence,
Joe Biden Claims He and Obama Didnt Lock People Up in Cages (Yes, They Did) 9/12/19Immigration, Remove History, Liberal Bias
Politicized Intel on Benghazi Previewed the Obama Admins Russia Hoax9/11/19Obama, HoaxFraud, Violence
Did the Obama administration commit 'the biggest accounting fraud in history' with student loans? Experts weigh in9/5/19Obama, HoaxFraud, Education
CNN, MSNBC Fondly Recall Tan Suit Day as Biggest Scandal of Obama Presidency8/30/19Obama, Media, Liberal Bias
Obamas Accused of Hypocrisy on Climate Change for Buying Waterfront Property in Marthas Vineyard 8/23/19Environmental, Obama,
WSJ: Obama Student Loan Scam Is the Biggest Fraud in American history8/20/19Obama, HoaxFraud, Education
Obama told Biden advisers not to let the former Veep damage his legacy in his 2020 presidential run 8/16/19Obama, ,
Barack Obama Blames Donald Trump, Guns, White Supremacist Websites for Mass Shootings8/5/19TDS, Race, Guns
Michelle Obama Weighs In on Political Firestorm: What Truly Makes Our Country Great Is Its Diversity 7/20/19Obama, Liberal Bias, PC
VIDEO: Students say Obama immigration quote on immigration racist when they think its from Trump7/18/19Immigration, TDS, Obama
The Offensive Betsy Ross Flag Was Displayed at 2nd Obama Inauguration7/5/19Patriotism, Obama, Liberal Bias
Snopes Admits Obama Built Cages for Immigrant Children7/3/19Immigration, Obama, Media
Obama Appointed Judge Blocks ICE Arresting Illegal Immigrants At Courthouses 6/21/19Immigration, Freedom,
9 Times The Obama Administration Fought Subpoenas or Blocked Officials from Testifying Before Congress 6/5/19Obama, Freedom, Conservative
Politifact Gives Obama Generous Ruling After He Blatantly Lied About Americas Gun Laws 6/4/19Obama, Guns, Media
Barack Obama populated the US government with communists 6/3/19Socialism, Obama,
VIDEO: Obama Tells Multiple Lies About Guns In The U.S. To A Crowd In Brazil 5/31/19Patriotism, Guns, Video
Conflicting testimony and narratives between disgraced former FBI director James B. Comey and former attorney general Loretta E. Lynch raise serious questions not only about who is telling the truth but also about Comey potentially mischaracterizing or even fictionalizing key claims he made about President Trump and the Russia collusion story5/28/19Freedom, TDS, Obama
Trumps Infrastructure Plan Versus Obama Stimulus: Whats the Difference? Very Little (Larry Elder)5/8/19Economics, Conservative,
VIDEO: Malik Obama Reveals New Information About Half-Brother Barack in Interview, Explains Why He Supports Trump 5/6/19Obama, Conservative, Video
Democrats Accuse AG Barr of Doing Exactly What Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch Did for Obama 5/4/19Liberal Bias, Freedom, Obama
Julian Castro: Trump Is Celebrating in the End Zone but Obama Got Economy to the 2 Yard Line5/3/19TDS, Economics, Obama
OBAMA WAS AMERICAS MOST ANTI CHRISTIAN PRESIDENT: The most extreme leftwing figure to ever occupy the White House (David Horowitz) 5/3/19Obama, Conservative, Christianity
Joe Biden Tells The View, that He is Proud Obama WH Had No Scandals, At All 4/26/19Media, Liberal Bias, Obama
Hosts On The View Claim Obama Administration Was Scandal Free. Meghan McCain Cracks Up. 4/3/19Media, Liberal Bias, Obama
Former President Barack Obama DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson said Thursday that the U.S. is truly in a crisis at the southern border. 3/29/19Immigration, ,
TINA TCHEN TO THE RESCUE: High powered Obama fixer pulls strings for hoaxster Jussie Smollett3/29/19HoaxFraud, Obama, Freedom
ERIC HOLDER: AMERICA NEVER GREAT 3/29/19Patriotism, Obama, Liberal Bias
Major Democratic Donors Among Wealthy Elite Netted In Massive College Bribery Scandal3/14/19HoaxFraud, Education, Liberal Bias
EATING THEIR OWN: Omar Appears To Suggest That Obama Was A Murderer 3/8/19Islam, Obama, Liberal Bias
A Democrat state senator and a Teamsters president said the dramatic drop in school suspensions in New York City since the Obama era policy urging more lenient forms of discipline for minority students has led to chaos and a lack of accountability for dangerous behavior. 3/8/19Education, PC, Obama
Democrats Nuked the Filabuster to confirm him, Rep. Mel Watt to head the Federal Housing Finance Agency; THEN HE TURNED TO SEXUAL HARASSMENT. Another lingering scandal from Obamas scandal free administration (Daniel Greenfield)2/22/19Obama, Liberal Bias, Conservative
Federal Judge Orders Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes to Answer Written Questions about Benghazi 1/16/19Obama, Islam, Violence
WaPo Mocks Trump For Hiring Fox News Personalities. Here is What Obama Did. 12/7/18Obama, Media, Liberal Bias
Obama approved $310 million in free legal advice to illegal immigrants12/6/18Immigration, Obama, Economics
Obama Granted Soros Tied Group $310M to Help Migrants Avoid Deportation 12/6/18Immigration, Obama, Perverse
Muslim defense contractors, big Democrat donor, indicted: swindled billions from Pentagon, violated Iran sanctions 12/3/18HoaxFraud, Obama, Islam
Media Headline: Barack Obama excoriates Trump: Nobody in my administration got indicted 11/29/18Obama, TDS, Media
OBAMA TOUTS CLIMATE CHANGE LEGACY, THEN TAKES CREDIT FOR US OIL BOOM. U.S. oil production nearly doubled between 2009, when Obama took office, to 2016. Natural gas production shot up around 50% in that time. However, the boom in production almost exclusively took place on state and private lands where the Obama administration had little to no control. 11/28/18Environmental, Economics, Obama
The Anti American Americans 11/25/18Obama, Patriotism,
Obama: Americans Oppose Climate Initiatives Due To Mommy Issues, Racism11/20/18Obama, TDS, Race
Trump, Unlike Obama, Will Declare Iran Is Breaching Chemical Weapons Conventions11/16/18Islam, Violence,
WHY TRUMP IS RIGHT ON CALIFORNIA WILDFIRES: How green policies are burning the Golden State to a crisp.11/12/18TDS, Environmental, Freedom
The Media Blatant Hypocrisy in Defending Jim Acosta 11/8/18Media, Liberal Bias,
The Myth Of Obama, The Myth Of Trump, And The Reality Of Elections (Ben Shapiro) 11/8/18TDS, Obama, Conservative
Rush Plays Clip Of Obama Taking Credit For Trumps Booming Economy, Thoroughly Roasts Him 11/5/18Obama, Economics,
Under Obama, the CIA Suffered a Catastrophic Disaster; From around 2009 to 2013, the U.S. intelligence community experienced crippling intelligence failures related to the secret internet-based communications system, a key means for remote messaging between CIA officers and their sources on the ground worldwide. The previously unreported global problem originated in Iran and spiderwebbed to other countries, and was left unrepaired; despite warnings about what was happening; until more than two dozen sources died in China in 2011 and 2012 as a result, according to 11 former intelligence and national security officials11/4/18Obama, Freedom, Conservative
VIDEO: Trumps reversal of failed Obama policies has created a booming economy10/31/18Conservative, Obama, Freedom
5 freed from Gitmo in exchange for Bergdahl rejoined the jihad in Qatar, Taliban says10/30/18Obama, Islam, Violence
Obama admin moved illegal immigrant teens across state lines for abortions, emails reveal10/25/18Obama, Immigration, Abortion
VIDEO: National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow fired back at HITS BACK AT OBAMA CLAIMING CREDIT FOR ECONOMIC MIRACLE: under his stewardship the so called recovery was, , 2% per year, which is really the worst since the, I believe since the depression and already, we have beaten our critics, including Obama staff people 10/23/18Obama, TDS, Video
Obama Endorses Socialist Candidate Ocasio Cortez After Snubbing Her Last Time 10/1/18Obama, Socialism,
New York Times admits creating unfair impression about Nikki Haleys $53,00 curtains that were done by Obama administration9/14/18Media, Liberal Bias, Obama
Former Secretary of Education Arne Duncan told an audience at Harvard University that President Trump does not want a well-educated citizenry and does not want people who can think independently. 9/12/18TDS, Liberal Bias,
John Kerry Meeting With Iran to Salvage Nuke Deal With Rogue Diplomacy9/12/18Obama, Liberal Bias,
Sorry Obama, But Its Trumps Economic Boom, Not Yours. The rate of GDP growth was decelerating in Obamas last year. It went from 2.3% in Q2, to 1.9% in Q3 to 1.8% in Q4 of 2016. Under Trump, GDP growth has averaged 2.9%. It was 4.2% last quarter and might be higher in the current one. The stock market also was stuck in neutral the year before the November 2016 elections. The Dow is up by some 45% since then. Real median family income didn’t budge from August 2015 to November 2016, according to Sentier Research. Its up more than 4% since Trump came into office. Wages are on the upswing. In Obamas last year, unemployment rate remained basically unchanged — it was 4.9% in Jan 2016, and 4.8% when Trump took office in Jan. 2017. Now its down to 3.9% 9/11/18Obama, Economics,
Hero Benghazi survivor is SUSPENDED from Twitter after he mocks liberals in a thread then threatens to choke Obama9/9/18Indoctrination, Media, Obama
Obama was describing the politics of division and resentment inside the Republican Party in an Illinois speech when he brought up the Democratic Party history with racism 9/7/18Race, Obama,
Obama Calls Benghazi A Wild Conspiracy Theory. Benghazi Hero Levels Him.9/7/18Obama, ,
Former President Barack Obama will hold a rally in Southern California Saturday for Democrats contesting seven key U.S. House districts; including Gil Cisneros, who has been accused of sexual misconduct by a fellow Democrat 9/6/18Liberal Bias, Obama, Feminism
Obama said Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance. But does it really? 9/5/18Islam, Liberal Bias, Violence
Fact Check: Google Did Show Trump Address despite Trump video saying it did not; however, it did show Obama speech on Google homepage for longer periods of time 8/31/18Media, Liberal Bias, TDS
VIDEO: Trump Releases video showing Google Bias Against Him 8/29/18Media, Indoctrination,
VIDEO: VIOLENCE IN OUR SCHOOLS: How the Obama era touchy feely disciplinary approach spawned a catastrophe 8/28/18Conservative, Video, Violence
Trump is referencing a massive fine levied against the Obama 2008 campaign for campaign reporting violations. In a 2013 piece for Politico, Maggie Haberman detailed what led to the Federal Election Committee levying the $375,000 fine; one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign8/22/18Obama, Freedom,
Rush Limbaugh Highlights Democrat Hypocrisy Over Campaign Finance Violations 8/22/18Obama, Freedom,
California Burns: Governor Jerry Brown calls the wild fires the New Normal. Liberals allude to this being caused by climate change. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is all Thanks To Obama Era Environmental Regulations8/6/18Environmental, Obama, California
THE DEMOCRAT FUTURE ISNT SOCIALIST, ITS CRAZY (Danielg Greenfield) (Obama, Pelosi, Hillary, Gulags)8/1/18Socialism, TDS, Conservative
New surveillance footage released shows one of Obamas former senior officials taking a picture up a womans skirt in July 2016 at a D.C. Metro station. Same guy who attacked man wearing a Washington Redskins shirt7/27/18Obama, Liberal Bias, Perverse
Six Reasons Why Barack Obama Is the Worst President in History7/26/18Obama, Conservative,
Obama Knowingly Funded Designated Al Qaeda Affiliate 7/25/18Obama, Islam, Violence
The release of a redacted FISA warrant application exposes the fact that the spying on Carter Page, a figure associated with the Trump campaign, relied on no sources other than Democrats and media allies. The FISA application shows that the Obama administration didnt just deploy its media echo chamber to manipulate public opinion, but also used it to justify its abuse of domestic surveillance against its political opponents. The media has made Watergate into an essential part of its brand. The media claims that it safeguards democracy. The FISA application shows its a threat to democracy. (Daniel Greenfield)7/23/18TDS, Media, Freedom
THE REAL COLLUDER-IN CHIEF: The facts about Obama the establishment media conveniently forgets 7/20/18Obama, Media, Liberal Bias
OBAMA MOURNS LOSS OF OBJECTIVE TRUTH, TWITTER REMINDS HIM promising to keep your doctor, IRS targeting tea party members, benghazi, and Iran deal7/17/18Obama, Liberal Bias,
Huffington Post economics reporter Emily Peck tried to discredit Trumps new Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in a recent article and but laughably contradicted herself in the process because she wrote an article in support of the same thing for Obama. She responds trying to bring race into the equation somehow7/12/18Media, Liberal Bias, Conservative
Mitch McConnell Harrassed, Confronted By Protesters For the Second Time Asking: Where Are The Babies? 7/8/18Immigration, Liberal Bias, Obama
Judge approves subpoena for Obama records on anti-male bias in campus rape cases 6/29/18Education, Obama, HoaxFraud
Former Obama admin ethics office head Walter Shaub has accused Sarah Huckabee Sanders of breaking the law by using her White House Twitter account to blast a restaurant that refused her service for political purposes.6/25/18Obama, Liberal Bias, Freedom
The Associated Press published a story about alleged abuse of child immigrants that buried the fact that the abuse began during the Obama administration. Mentions Trump 7 times, never mentions Obama by name despite all the abuses coming under Obama. Do not mention these incidents occurred under Obama until paragraph 196/21/18Immigration, Media, Liberal Bias
Former Top McCain Staffer Urged Lois Lerner to Audit Non Profits Until It Becomes Financially Ruinous 6/21/18Freedom, Liberal Bias, Obama
Yes, Obama separated families at the border, too 6/21/18Immigration, Obama,
4 Horrifying Immigration Stories That Happened Under Obama That You Need To Know About6/20/18Obama, Immigration, Conservative
White House Stenographer Writes Book About Sex And Drugs During Obama Reign 6/14/18Obama, ,
OBAMAS TREASON: EVEN WORSE THAN WE THOUGHT6/7/18Obama, Conservative, Freedom
Obama administration skirted sanctions to give Iran billions while assuring public it wasnt doing so 6/6/18Obama, Freedom, Islam
Elites Value Mellifluous Illegality over Crass Lawfulness; Obama defies the Constitution but sounds presidential. Trump follows it but sounds like a loudmouth from Queens.(Victor Davis Hanson)6/5/18TDS, Obama, Conservative
VIDEO: Mark Dice debunks the viral tweets of illegal children in holding facilities tweeted that was actually from 2014 under Obama 5/29/18Immigration, TDS, HoaxFraud
Leftists Tweet Out Pictures Of Suffering Illegal Immigrant Children To Target Trump; except they are pictures from 2014 that was under Obama5/28/18TDS, Obama, Immigration
DOJ Asks Watchdog To Investigate Obama-Era Actions Against Trump Campaign 5/21/18TDS, Obama, Freedom
Former Secretary of Education, former Barack Obama flunky Arne Duncan tweeted that parents should keep their kids away from school until gun laws are changed5/21/18Liberal Bias, Guns, Obama
DACA RULING: JUDICIAL TRAVESTY OBSTRUCTS PRESIDENTIAL AUTHORITY; Federal Judge Bates ruling ignores facts and national security and protects Obama unconstitutional executive order5/7/18Immigration, Freedom, Obama
Valerie Jarrett: Obama Should Get Credit For Good Trump Economy5/4/18Obama, TDS, Liberal Bias
Virginia Heffernan has worked as a staff writer for The New York Times, tweets out Obama Is Americas Daddy, Trump Is Stepfather Raping The Country5/1/18TDS, Media, Liberal Bias
Heres a Collection of Ben Rhodes Tweets That Got Everything Wrong on Iran 4/30/18Islam, Obama,
Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance, said Barack Obama. We will test his theory 4/27/18Islam, Obama, Conservative
Facebook Has Dozens of Former Obama and Hillary Staffers in Senior Positions4/10/18Media, Liberal Bias, Obama
Obama Admin Used Taxpayer Money To Fund George Soros Far Left Foreign Political Activities4/6/18Obama, Freedom, Liberal Bias
Michelle Obama Mocks Trump, Compares Americans To Children4/6/18Obama, TDS, Liberal Bias
New York Magazine Cover Depicts Trump as Pig; here are several cases people were fired for similar comparisons to Obama4/2/18TDS, Media, Obama
Obama Judges Rule That 40FT Cross Monument Honoring Soldiers Killed In World War I Is Unconstitutional 3/30/18Christianity, Remove History, Liberal Bias
California Readying Another Legal Challenge Against Trump over Environmental regulations (or lack of enforcement of them) 3/26/18TDS, Environmental,
Obama Regulations on For Profit Colleges, Finance, Railroads, and Airlines All Profited His Best Friend who bought many of these companies for pennies on the dollar 3/23/18Obama, Economics, Freedom
Why Is This Obama and Kennedy Amnesty Zealot, Marc Rosenblum, Handling DHS Data on Illegal Immigration? 3/23/18Immigration, Violence, Indoctrination
Obama Banned Fishing In 5,000 Square Miles Of Rich Ocean and now Fishermen Want It Back 3/21/18Environmental, Obama, Freedom
VIDEO: The View host Meghan McCain called out her cohosts on for their double standard on Obama Facebook data mining. 3/20/18TDS, Obama, Freedom
REPORT: Obama Used Executive Powers To Benefit Close Friends Private Investment Firms3/20/18Obama, Freedom, Liberal Bias
Amid the media blitz over an exposé by The Guardian revealing that Cambridge Analytica hired an analytics team back in 2014 to provide profile data on around 50 million Facebook users that the Guardian suggests was used to benefit the Trump campaign (which Cambridge maintains is simply untrue), past reports and new revelations about the Obama campaign similarly mining social media data have come to light.3/19/18Freedom, Media, Liberal Bias
Obama Staffer: Facebook Knew Presidential Campaign Improperly Seized Data, Looked the Other Way 3/19/18Freedom, Obama, Liberal Bias
Cambridge Analytica And The Campaign To Destroy Conservatives On Social Media (Ben Shapiro)3/19/18Freedom, Media, Liberal Bias
Obama Justice Department under Barack Obama directed the FBI to drop more than 500,000 names of fugitives with outstanding arrest warrants from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System3/15/18Obama, Freedom, Violence
House Oversight Committee members called for a new special counsel to be appointed to investigate crimes involving bias and FISA abuse at the Obama Department of Justice. Cites the anti Trump dossier, paid for by the Democrats and Hillary Clinton, as being strong evidence of bias at the FBI and DOJ, considering the fact that the dossier was never vetted and was a politically motivated document which was used in court filings. They wrote: There is evidence of bias, trending toward animus, among those charged with investigating serious cases. There is evidence political opposition research was used in court filings. There is evidence this political opposition research was neither vetted before it was used nor fully revealed to the relevant tribunal 3/6/18Obama, Freedom, Conservative
Reporters Told To Not Report On Obama MIT Speech 2/23/18Obama, Media, Liberal Bias
OBJECTIVE EXPERTS: Trump Is The Worst President In History, Obama Is Top Ten (Ben Shapiro)2/19/18TDS, Obama, Liberal Bias
Obama Portrait Artist Has Habit Of Painting Black People BEHEADING White People2/12/18Obama, Race, Perverse
The Obama DOJ Long History Of Politicization (LIST) 2/9/18Obama, Freedom, Conservative
I Should Know: Democrats Intel Abuse Is Reminiscent of My Work for Ceausescu2/9/18Conservative, Freedom, Obama
No Law But Liberalism2/8/18Freedom, Liberal Bias, Conservative
New FBI Texts May Implicate Obama in FISAGate 2/7/18Obama, Freedom, TDS
Remember the $1.7 billion that the Obama administration paid to Iran in 2016 after the release of five Americans held by Iran? The federal government traced the funds, only to discover the money was transferred to Hezbollah, the terrorist group in Lebanon; 2/7/18Obama, Islam, Violence
Who Owns This Economy, Obama Or Trump? 2/6/18Conservative, Economics, Obama
State Dept. Embraces Islamic Cleric Who Embraced Killing Americans in Iraq, Called for Israels Destruction. Also an inherent contradiction in the Trump State Department embracing the interfaith efforts of an Islamic cleric who openly states on his website that Christians are going to hell. Most embarrassing for the Obama White House was Bin Bayyahs approval of a 2004 fatwa authorizing the killing of Americans in Iraq and endorsing the Iraqi resistance2/6/18Islam, PC,
VIDEO: Students hate Trump SOTU quotes, but they are actually Obama quotes 2/2/18TDS, Liberal Bias, Obama
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated that President Trump owes a lot of the economic recovery to President Obama 1/30/18Obama, TDS, Economics
VIDEO: Do Democrats Want Amnesty or Voters? 1/30/18Immigration, Conservative, Video
VIDEO: Bill Clinton, Barack Obama SLAMMED Illegal Immigration In Their State Of The Union Addresses 1/29/18Obama, Clinton, Immigration
Bombshell Photo Emerges Of Obama Smiling With Black Nationalist Hate Group Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan is known for embracing radically anti-Semitic and anti-white views, as even the left wing Southern Poverty Law Center has acknowledged 1/25/18Obama, Race, Islam
California AG Sues Trump For Dinging Obama Fracking Rule1/24/18Environmental, TDS, Freedom
Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee are warming up to the idea of voting to release a 4 page memo that alleges FBI and Justice Department abuses related to the infamous Steele dossier and secret surveillance warrants obtained by the Obama administration. 1/23/18Clinton, Obama, Freedom
The FBI’s top agent on the Trump Russia investigation sent a text message last year that one top Republican senator says suggests he saw no evidence of Trump campaign collusion. The FBI said it does not have text messages for Strzok and Page for the period between Dec. 14, 2016 and May 17, 2017; which just so happens to be the day that Mueller was appointed. 1/23/18Clinton, Obama, Freedom
Democrats Claim They Have Votes To Shut Down The Government To Help Illegal Immigrants, Media Blame Republicans. When Republicans pass a continuing resolution Obama refuses to sign, and the government shuts down, thats Republicans fault. When they try to pass a continuing resolution and Democrats prevent that passage, thats Republicans fault (Ben Shapiro)1/18/18Media, Liberal Bias, Conservative
Obama ICE Didnt Follow Procedure For Checking Illegal Immigrants Ties to Terrorism1/16/18Immigration, Obama, Liberal Bias
Obama rips Fox News viewers: You are living on a different planet1/12/18Obama, Media, Liberal Bias
DACA: THE IMMIGRATION TROJAN HORSE: How the original DREAM act was designed to cover 90% of the illegal alien population in the US. 1/12/18Immigration, Conservative, Freedom
Facebook Bans Bestselling Author over The Scandalous Presidency of Barack Obama 1/11/18Freedom, Media, Obama
More than 150 University of Chicago professors and lecturers are protesting a socially regressive plan to build an Obama Center next to the schools campus. Not only does the current plan involve forfeiting huge portions of public parks to the private Obama Foundation, the professors say, but it would also impose hundreds of millions of dollars in additional costs to the taxpayers.1/9/18Economics, Professors, Obama
A LOT OF BLOOD ON A LOT OF HANDS CREATED THE IRAN THREAT: How Democrats from Jimmy Carter to Obama created the Iran Threat1/9/18Obama, Islam, Conservative
Attorney General Sessions Missed An Opportunity To Promote Federalism Over Marijuana 1/5/18Obama, Freedom, Conservative
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is rescinding a key Obama-era policy that allowed states to regulate their own legal marijuana. Sessions had already announced in November that he would be cracking down on these kinds of guidance memos which essentially change laws without going through the formal process to do so. Famous guidance memos issued during the Obama administration include the transgender bathroom memo, which told schools to allow students to use the bathroom of their choice. 1/4/18Freedom, Obama, LGBT
Jeff Sessions Is Right to End Obamas Unlawful Approach to Marijuana Enforcement 1/4/18Obama, Freedom, Conservative
EPA Responded To FOIA Request regarding the Clean Power Plan 2.5 Years Later. Federal agencies are required by law to respond to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests within twenty working days. 12/26/17Environmental, Obama, Freedom
Congress Launching Investigation Into Obama Admin After Hezbollah Report 12/21/17Obama, Islam, Freedom
Former Obama deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes mused about the deaths of top Republicans on Twitter Thursday before being scolded by GOP Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana, who was severely injured in the June Congressional baseball practice shooting. 12/21/17Liberal Bias, Obama, Perverse
Nine Million American Men Pushed Out of Workforce by Cheap Labor Policies, Says Obama Economist12/19/17Economics, Obama,
Trump Drops Climate Change As National Security Threat that Obama labeled it12/18/17Conservative, Environmental, Obama
The Obama administration gave a free pass to Hezbollahs drug trafficking and money laundering operations; some of which were unfolding inside the U.S; to help ensure the Iran nuclear deal would stay on track, according to a bombshell report12/17/17Obama, Islam, Violence
FAKE NEWS: New York Times Reports Trump Lied 500% More In 10 Months Than Obama Did In 8 Years (Ben Shapiro)12/14/17Media, Liberal Bias, TDS
Obama Compares Era Of Trump To Hitler 12/6/17Obama, TDS,
OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE WAS COMING FROM INSIDE THE FBI: When lying to the FBI wasnt a crime by Daniel Greenfield12/6/17Conservative, Clinton, Obama
Robert Mueller collusion investigation has begun to implode. Mueller has put together a pack of partisan lawyers, many of whom contributed campaign cash to Hillary Clinton and other Democrats; stonewalled demands from House lawmakers for information; and, most recently, reports emerged in both The Washington Post and The New York Times that a lead FBI investigator sent anti Trump texts to a mistress. Weirdly, the investigator, Peter Strzok, wasnt fired, just quietly demoted to the Bureau's human resources department. 12/5/17TDS, Liberal Bias, Clinton
The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook (WTLD)12/1/17Islam, Violence, Obama
You can thank Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton for Libya thriving slave trade, where Africans are ‘having their organs harvested, bodies mutilated and roasted like kebabs11/29/17Obama, Clinton, Violence
CNN has accused President Donald Trump of making journalists unsafe and threatening the free press by attacking their network, but the network seemingly forgot when former president Barack Obama did the same thing to Fox News.11/27/17Obama, Media, Liberal Bias
Former President Barack Obamas EPA used a social media platform to secretly promote the agency's policies in violation of federal law. Judicial Watch obtained 900 pages of documents showing the EPA used social media to lobby support for the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule. The agency used Thunderclap, a platform that shares messages across Facebook and Twitter, to recruit outside groups to generate support for various environmental policies. Federal law prohibits agencies from engaging in propaganda. It also forbids agencies from using federal resources to conduct grassroots campaigns that prod U.S. citizens into browbeating lawmakers to act on pending legislation.11/27/17Obama, Environmental, Freedom
Atop the Q2 3.1% increase in real GDP, and 3.0% in 3Q, the New York Federal Reserve Bank predicts that 4Q output will expand by 3.8%. This far outpaces the feeble average annual GDP growth rate of 1.5% on President Obama. Meanwhile, the IMF expects global GDP to rise by 3.5% this year. So much for a Trump inspired global recession11/23/17Economics, ,
The Russia Scandal Just Got Much Worse For Hillary Clinton And Barack Obama. Corruption: Shortly after the Uranium One story broke, various news reports claimed that it was much ado about nothing. But a review of a huge cache of newly available documents shows that, if anything, it was worse than previously thought. 11/22/17Clinton, Freedom, Obama
VIDEO: CREEPY UNCLE JOE. Joe Biden history of groping women11/22/17Perverse, Conservative, Video
THE LIE THAT REELECTED OBAMA: Al Qaeda was not on the run while POTUS 44 was in office 11/21/17Obama, Islam, Violence
FBI informant gathered years of evidence on Russian push for US nuclear fuel deals, including Uranium One, memos show 11/20/17Clinton, Freedom, Obama
Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the Department of Justice will no longer issue guidance memos that have the effect of adopting new regulatory requirements or amending the law outside the federal government, and said the Justice Department would initiate a review of previously issued memos 11/17/17Freedom, Conservative,
Almost one third of 214 U.S. based MS13 gang members arrested in an international sweep were invited into the United States by President Barack Obamas Unaccompanied Alien Children policy. The group of 214 MS13 members were arrested, 193 of them were illegal aliens. 64 of the 193 illegals are would-be dreamers because they illegally crossed the border while claiming to be minors11/16/17Immigration, Violence,
More than 100,000 convicted felons or other prohibited persons tried to buy guns each year during President Barack Obamas administration by lying on their applications, but the Justice Department only considered prosecuting about 30 to 40 people each year 11/15/17Obama, Guns,
A former high ranking government official who is an intelligence expert regarding nuclear weapons says that Obamas Iran nuclear deal is a complete failure as Iran most likely has had nuclear weapons for over a decade.11/9/17Obama, Islam, Conservative
The media attacked President Donald Trump Thursday for not insisting that journalists be allowed to ask questions at a joint press conference with Chinese President Xi Jinping, forgetting that former President Barack Obama did the same thing on his first trip to China.11/9/17TDS, Obama, Media
SHOCK REPORT: Obama Hid 470,000 Documents From Bin Laden Raid in order to perpetuate the lie that Al Qaeda was defeated after bin Ladens death, thus paving the way for Obamas 2012 victory. 11/3/17Obama, Freedom, HoaxFraud
When four soldiers assigned to U.S. Army 3rd Special Forces Group were killed during a reconnaissance patrol in Niger earlier this month, Americans questioned why President Trump had put them there in the first place. But the Green Berets in Niger Were Part of Mission Obama Authorized 11/3/17Obama, TDS, Media
Michelle Goes Male Bashing: Men Are Too Entitled And Self Righteous11/2/17Obama, Feminism,
The Department of Justice, righting the wrongs that the Obama IRS committed when it waged an egregiously partisan campaign against Tea Party and other conservative groups, has reached settlements with the roughly 400 groups that were targeted. 10/26/17Obama, Freedom, Liberal Bias
A former FBI informant who blew the whistle on a high-profile bribery case involving a Russian energy company was intimidated by Obama administration lawyers into dropping a civil suit against the government last year, 10/26/17Obama, Clinton, Freedom
AMERICAN SOLDIERS DIED IN NIGER BECAUSE OF OBAMA:Putting soldiers in a war zone without a combat mission so they dont offend Islamists. 10/23/17Obama, Conservative, Islam
Obama DOJ Allegedly Threatened FBI Informant To Silence Him On Russian Nuclear Corruption 10/18/17Obama, Freedom,
Demonic Clown Drag Queen Does Story Time at Michelle Obama Public Library 10/17/17Perverse, LGBT, Obama
FBI Finds New Documents About Bill Clinton Loretta Lynch Tarmac Meeting, even after the bureau claimed to not have any records related to the matter 10/13/17Clinton, Freedom, Obama
FLASHBACK: Michelle Obama Praised Wonderful Human Being Harvey Weinstein in 2013 10/11/17Obama, Celebrities,
VIDEO: Victor D. Hanson: How the Obama Presidency Destroyed Todays Democratic Party 10/6/17Obama, Conservative, Video
Michelle Obama: Women Who Voted For Trump Voted Against Their Own Voice 9/27/17TDS, Feminism, Obama
How Obama is funding the anti Trump resistance9/23/17Obama, Freedom, Economics
U.S. Government Wiretapped Paul Manafort Before And After Presidential Election. Although the CNN report does say the FBI found nothing conclusive, a separate report, this one in The Hill, says Mueller has warned Manafort to expect an indictment9/18/17Freedom, TDS, Obama
FLASHBACK: Obama DHS Scrapped Background Checks For DACA 9/5/17Obama, Immigration, Violence
Internet Gets Fooled By Viral Photo Of Obama Serving Houston Victims 8/28/17Media, Obama,
5 Year FRC Shooting Anniversary Offers A Study In Presidential Reactions To Hate Crimes. The 5 year anniversary of the Family Research Council shooting comes just three days after the killing of Heather Heyer and grievous attack on protesters in Charlottesville. 8/15/17Violence, Obama, Conservative
Left Blames Trump For Charlottesville. Here Are 5 Murders The Press Didnt Blame Obama For 8/15/17Violence, Obama, Conservative
Islamic Republic of Iran: MPs chant Death to America while voting to increase military budget by $800,000,000 8/15/17Islam, Violence,
Obama Appointed Countering Violent Extremism top dog who met with Hamas-linked CAIR hundreds of times resigns 7/31/17Islam, Obama,
Barack Obama paid another $400,000, this time for a 90 minute speech to advertisers 7/28/17Obama, Media, Liberal Bias
Dennis PRAGER: The Greatest Hysteria In American History7/28/17Conservative, Media, Liberal Bias
NSA Violated Civil Liberties 90+ Times Under Obama 7/27/17Obama, Freedom,
President Trump Eliminates 860 Obama Era Federal Regulations7/21/17Freedom, Obama,
Donald Trump ends a (not-so) covert Obama/CIA program to arm and fund anti-Assad so-called moderate rebels in Syria 7/19/17Islam, Violence, Obama
VIDEO: Peter Thiel: Obamas Administration is Worse Than Marxism7/16/17Obama, Socialism, Video
ESPN Chooses Michelle Obama to Give Arthur Ashe Courage Award for 25th ESPYS 7/12/17Media, Obama, Liberal Bias
Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen recently predicted that, thanks to the regulations implemented after the 2008 market meltdown, America would not experience another economic crisis in our lifetimes. Yellens statement should send shivers down our spines, as there are few more reliable signals of an impending recession, or worse, than when so called experts proclaim that we are in an era of unending prosperity. 7/11/17Economics, ,
Two Thirds Of Obamaphone Recipients May Have Lied About Being Poor6/29/17HoaxFraud, Obama,
VIDEO: MSNBC Contributor: Hillary Lost Because Obama Is Black6/29/17Media, Liberal Bias, Obama
Professor: Its racist if you say Obama was born in Kenya or like to use his middle name 6/27/17Education, Race, Obama
The Opioid Crisis Got WORSE Thanks To Obamacare. An exclusive review of Medicaid prescription drug data found oxycodone painkillers flooded into New York from 2012 to 2014, including 8.8 million pills in Westchester, Rockland and Putnam counties alone, enough for six pain pills for every man, woman and child in the Lower Hudson Valley. 6/27/17Healthcare, Obama,
Afghanistan Situation is Obamas Fault, Mattis Says 6/14/17Obama, ,
7 Times The Obama Administration Obstructed Justice; George Zimmerman, black panthers, Firing Of AmeriCorps Inspector General Gerald Walpin, Interference In Navy Court Martials by Ben Shapiro6/13/17Obama, Conservative,
Eric Holder slammed for Fast and Furious obstruction 6/7/17Freedom, Obama,
Leaked NSA documents revealing that Russia engaged in election related hacking efforts just days before the election directly contradict what former President Barack Obama told the American public 6/5/17Obama, ,
VIDEO: Tucker Carlson and Ann Coulter Destroy Victim Kathy Griffin who demonstrates the left ideology of victimhood; calls out Obama and other climate change proponents on details of riding private jets 6/4/17Liberal Bias, Conservative, Video
France: Guantanamo inmate released by Obama arrested for recruiting for the Islamic State6/1/17Obama, Islam, Violence
Paris: Trump Blocks First of Obamas Three Authoritarianisms 6/1/17Environmental, Obama, Freedom
Obamas FBI Passed Around Classified Information On American Citizens To People Outside Government5/26/17Obama, Freedom,
Obama Cites God To Make The Case For Immigration 5/26/17Obama, Christianity, Immigration
Obama Administration Knowingly Let Illegal Immigrants From Deadly MS 13 Gang Into U.S. 5/25/17Obama, Immigration, Violence
THE INCREDIBLE BULK: Obama book, Dreams of my father, was not a memoir, but a fictional novel 5/22/17Obama, Remove History,
Judicial Watch sues Obama administration over a Freedom of Information Act request regarding what influence the administration had in the government takeover of a portion of the internet 5/18/17Obama, Freedom, Conservative
VIDEO: Rush Limbaugh: Obama Actually Did What Trump Is Accused of Doing 5/17/17Media, Conservative, Video
Great Moments in Fake News Journalism by Larry Elder; Obama lies in debate with Romney, Keith Ellison says George Wallace was a Republican, MSNBC says liberals vote for Obama because they are smart and more 5/17/17Conservative, Media, Liberal Bias
Obama stimulus program spent more than 2x the money paying for energy efficiency audits for homeowners than the audits generated in savings 5/8/17Environmental, economics, Obama
Lee Smith: Why Everything You Think You Know About Foreign Policy Is Wrong 5/2/17Conservative, Obama, Islam
VIDEO: Obama Presidency Flawlessly Dismantled By Thomas Sowell 4/28/17Obama, Conservative, Video
Obama Operatives Direct Town Hall Disruptions Nationwide 4/20/17Freedom, Obama,
Trump bringing in Syrian refugees at more than twice the rate Obama did 4/14/17Islam, Immigration, Obama
Trump Kills Obama Regulation Prohibiting States From Defunding Planned Parenthood4/13/17Abortion, Obama, Freedom
Judicial Watch: Smoking-Gun Documents Prove Obama IRS Targeting Worse Than We Thought 4/5/17Obama, Freedom,
7 Times The Obama Administration Used Government To Target Its Political Opponents 4/4/17Conservative, Obama, Freedom
Obama national security advisor, Susan Rice, repeatedly requested information from the intelligence community on members of the Trump transition team and campaign, unmasking them to an audience beyond the intelligence community in the process - Ben Shapiro4/3/17Freedom, Obama,
PRO-LIFE WIN: Senate Overturns Obama Regulation Forcing States To Fund Planned Parenthood 3/30/17Abortion, Conservative,
House votes to block Obama online privacy aattempt 3/28/17Obama, Freedom, Conservative
Obama former national security adviser, Susan Rice, who in 2012 publicly blamed the Benghazi tragedy on a YouTube video and lied to everyone, penned an op-ed for The Washington Post, in which she blasted President Trumps false statements 3/22/17Obama, Media, Liberal Bias
Congressman Devin Nunes confirmed that some of President Trumps personal communications were in fact collected by the Obama administration during the 2016 election 3/22/17Freedom, Media, Obama
An alleged rapist was delivered from Central America to a school hallway in Maryland by former President Barack Obamas policy of treating economic migrants as if they were victims of crime, said an expert on illegal immigration 3/21/17Immigration, Violence, Obama
Tennessee files constitutional challenge to refugee settlement program 3/14/17Freedom, Immigration, Islam
Attorney General Jeff Sessions has asked for the resignations of all remaining U.S. attorneys appointed by former President Barack Obama3/10/17Conservative, Obama,
WikiLeaks Exposes Obama CIA Covert Global Hacking Program 3/7/17Obama, Freedom,
Wikileaks Destroys Obama and Reveals His History Of Wiretapping Friends and Rivals 3/5/17Obama, Freedom,
Fake News: Trump signed the repeal of Barack Obamas gun ban for Social Security recipients and NBC News reported that Trump had signed a repeal of gun checks for people with mental illness; which is not true 3/2/17Guns, Media, Obama
The House Judiciary Committee is investigating a claim that the Obama admin funneled billions of dollars to leftist organizations through the Department of Justice. 3/1/17Obama, Freedom,
CNN Chris Cuomo sought to play down the decay of America’s economy by saying that even though 94 million Americans are out of the labor force and over 43 million people are now living in poverty; and over 43 million Americans are on food stamps, that has nothing to do with the strength of the Obama economy 3/1/17Media, economics, Obama
Two lawsuits proceeding through the federal courts threaten to expose and disrupt a scheme the Obama administration concocted in 2012 to confiscate all the profits from Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac (the government’s two mortgage giants) with a plan to divert billions of dollars to pay essential Obamacare insurance subsidies that Congress had refused to fund 2/28/17Obama, Freedom,
THE FORGOTTEN TREACHERY OF OBAMA STATE DEPARTMENT and Obamas reward for Castro regime spies who helped murder Americans 2/28/17Obama, Conservative,
Economist: 41% of White, Working-Class Men Have Abandoned Work 2/23/17Economics, Immigration, Obama
Obama admin gave millions to terrorist groups2/22/17Obama, Islam, Violence
Murder Rates In Four Major Cities Reach Highs Not Seen Since The 90s. Chicago highest murder rate since 1996, Memphis highest since 1985, Missouri too 2/21/17Violence, Obama,
Yousaf al Salafi, allegedly the Pakistan commander of Islamic State (IS) or Daish, has confessed during investigations that he has been receiving funds through the United States 2/17/17Islam, Violence, Obama
DOJ Won’t Prosecute FBI Exec Who Made Subordinates Create False Records2/16/17Freedom, Liberal Bias, Obama
Ibtihaj Muhammad, U.S. Olympian and first Muslim-American female to win gold for the United States who is also an American citizen born and raised in New Jersey, claimed last week that she had been detained and questioned by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol Agents for two hours without explanation. Then her, and the media, tried to make it seem like it was due to Trump's Executive Order, but this actually happened in December, under Obama. Hoax2/14/17Media, HoaxFraud,
House votes to undo Obama-era gun control rule2/2/17Guns, Obama,
Donald Trump didn’t come up with the list of Muslim countries he wants to ban. Obama did. 1/27/17Immigration, Obama,
Obama wasted $7 Billion on Failed Federal Education Plan 1/26/17Obama, Education,
Report: Global Terrorism Rises 25% in 2016 1/25/17Islam, Obama, Violence
Huffington Post: Obama DOJ Fought Texas Voter ID Law. Trumps New Civil Rights Chief Offered Tips On Writing It. 1/25/17Obama, Freedom, HoaxFraud
The Texas judge presiding over the Obama’s Administration’s executive amnesty case has issued an order saying that the unethical behavior from the federal government’s attorneys has been 'nothing short of stunning. And the DOJ’s behavior in this ongoing case, like the DAPA program itself, 'has been completely shameless, totally unethical, and against American principles of fairness'. 1/23/17Immigration, Obama, Freedom
Obama Had A Lower Average Approval Rating Than NIXON1/23/17Obama, ,
In final hours in office, Obama sent $221,000,000 to the 'Palestinians'1/23/17Obama, ,
VIDEO: Barack Obama and Democrats: Legacy of Liberal Lies and Dishonesty 1/22/17Obama, Conservative, Video
The national debt under Obama will have grown by about $9 trillion, or an increase of 86% 1/21/17Obama, ,
Obama Education Failure: The School Improvement Grants program has been around since President Bush, but received an enormous boost under Obama. The administration funneled $7 billion into the program between 2010 and 2015; far exceeding the $4 billion it spent on Race to the Top grants. And yet, test scores, graduation rates and college enrollment were no different in schools that received money through the School Improvement Grants program; the largest federal investment ever targeted to failing schools; than in schools that did no 1/20/17Education, Obama,
Obama's 7 Worst Foreign Policy Blunders1/19/17Obama, Conservative,
Obama grants 330 commutations on last full day in office 1/19/17Obama, ,
Secretary of the Treasury nominee Steven Mnuchin summed up President Barack Obama’s economic legacy in one sentence. The Average American worker under Obama has gone nowhere1/19/17Obama, Economics,
Jerusalem mayor: 'Obama administration…surrendered to the Iranians and radical Islam and abandoned Israel' 1/19/17Obama, ,
Top 10 Ways Obama Violated the Constitution during His Presidency1/19/17Obama, Freedom,
Obama commutes unrepentant terrorist Oscar Lopez-Rivera who was a FALN leader serving a combined 70 years in prison sentences for the Puerto Rican communist organization’s terrorist war against the U.S. FALN carried out 130 attacks in the United States. Beyond the damage done, they resulted in 6 murders, including a lunch-hour bombing at Fraunces Tavern in lower Manhattan in January 1975 1/18/17Obama, Violence,
VIDEO: 10 Reasons Obama Was the Worst President Ever - Gavin Mcinnes 1/18/17Obama, Conservative, Video
3 Things You Need To Know About Obama's Pardon Of Chelsea Manning - Ben Shapiro 1/17/17Obama, Conservative,
Since President Obama took office, the Youth Misery Index (YMI) has risen 36% 1/17/17Obama, ,
Senate Republicans livid over Obama commuting Chelsea Manning sentence 1/17/17Obama, ,
It’s time to face facts: Obama’s presidency was a failure 1/14/17Obama, Conservative,
Judge Thwarts Obama EPA’s Lawless War on Coal1/13/17Obama, Environmental, Freedom
Why Obamacares 20 Million Previously Uninsured Number Is Fake. When you look at the actual net gains over the past two years since the program was fully implemented, the number is 14 million, and of that, 11.8 million (84%) were people given the gift of Medicaid.1/13/17Healthcare, Obama, Conservative
Why the past eight Obama years happened, and what it all means. 1/13/17Obama, Conservative,
Atheism Skyrockets Under Obama Admin. A new Pew Study says that those who self-identify as atheists or agnostics, as well as those who say their religion is ‘nothing in particular,’ now make up nearly 25% of the U.S. adult population, up from 16% in 20071/12/17Christianity, Obama,
Obama administration approves huge shipment of uranium to Iran 1/9/17Obama, ,
Media Misleads saying Obama didn't increase the size of governent1/7/17Obama, Media, Liberal Bias
Obama Makes ASTONISHING Claim About Race Relations During His Presidency 1/7/17Obama, Race,
Obama to build a Wall around his D.C. House to keep people away after he leaves office. Do walls work then Mr. President? 1/6/17Obama, Liberal Bias, Immigration
Obama Says Race Relations Aren't Getting Worse. Here Are 5 Ways We Know That Isn't True. 1/6/17Obama, Race, Conservative
95 Million People out of the U.S. workforce 1/6/17Obama, Economics,
President Barack Obama is finishing his term with a lengthy essay on criminal justice reform in the Harvard Law Review, arguing that Americans should recognize systemic racism in the system 1/5/17Obama, Race,
House Passes Legislation To Erase Last Minute Obama Admin Regulations1/4/17Obama, Freedom,
President Obama added another prestigious medal to his Nobel Prize collection when he had Defense Secretary Ash Carter award him with the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service.1/4/17Obama, ,
VIDEO: Ben Shapiro: How to Debate Obama 1/4/17Obama, Conservative, Video
Obama Brags About His 'Remarkable Progress' On The Way Out - Ben Shapiro1/2/17Obama, Conservative,
Former Chicago Superintendent of Police Garry McCarthy said Sunday that the Black Lives Matter movement was ultimately responsible for rising crimes rates in his city and nationally because it was making it harder for police to do their jobs. 1/1/17Race, Violence,
Sanctuary cities free more than 2,000 illegals rather than cooperate with feds1/1/17Immigration, Violence, Obama
Here Are Obama's 11 Worst Regulations12/31/16Obama, Conservative,
A Texas judge has temporarily blocked the Obama administration's new requirements for transgender care, granting a preliminary injunction Saturday to several states and religious health organizations suing over the rules12/31/16LGBT, Freedom, Obama
Report: Homeland Security Officials Took Millions in Bribes to 'Look the Other Way' on Drug Cartels12/31/16Immigration, Obama, HoaxFraud
Joint FBI-Homeland Security report fails to prove Russians behind Clinton leaks 12/30/16Obama, Media, Liberal Bias
A Painting that depicts police officers as pigs with guns pointed at black people is gracing a wall in the nation's capital.12/30/16Race, Obama,
Obama's full-blown, year-end temper tantrum12/30/16Obama, Conservative,
Obama Oversees Year of Mass Regulation, Record 97,000 Pages of Red Tape12/30/16Obama, Freedom,
The number of women in part-time jobs has doubled in the eight years of President Barack Obama’s tenure, because his management of the economy has produced very few new full-time jobs, according to a new report by left-wing academics12/30/16Obama, Economics,
Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes will sue President Barack Obama for designating over 1.6 million acres as national monument land12/29/16Obama, Freedom, Environmental
Obama issues one more Land Grab in Utah, but won't face residents 12/28/16Obama, Freedom,
Obama's Skewed Moral Universe - Ben Shapiro 12/28/16Obama, Conservative,
Obama administration is resettling significantly more refugees in the final weeks of 2016 compared to the same time period last year. From the start of Fiscal Year 2017, 10/1/16 to through 12/27/16 a total of 25,671 refugees have been resettled in the United States; a little over 290 refugees per day. During that same time period in 2015, 13,791 refugees were resettled, almost 157 per day. Obama resettled nearly 85,000 refugees in FY2016 and the White House is on pace to resettle nearly double that amount in 201712/28/16Obama, Islam, Immigration
The Obama Legacy: Adding $9.2 trillion to National Debt, $1 Trillion in Obamacare Tax Increases over next decade, $870.3 billion: in Estimated economic cost of new federal government regulations finalized since Obama took office $750 billion in Americans global trade deficit in 2015 and $690 billion Increase in student debt 12/28/16Obama, Economics, Freedom
Obama became most fiscally irresponsible' president in history, despite old rhetoric 12/28/16Obama, economics,
Under Obama, 10.7 Million More Use Food Stamps; A 32% Jump 12/27/16Obama, Economics,
At first, the 2016 murder figures for gun-controlled Chicago drew attention by hitting 500, which was 32 higher than the total number of murders in 2015. Then the number of murders rose to 700, now approaching 80012/27/16Guns, Obama, Violence
CNBC’s John Harwood took to Twitter and blamed Republican opposition to ObamaCare and racism as why President Obama’s Democratic Party lost so many seats nationwide during his administration 12/27/16Media, Race, Obama
Democrats lost over 1,000 seats under Obama 12/27/16Obama, ,
Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz says that although he and many other liberal Democrats supported President Obama's domestic policies, Obama 'will go down in history as one of the worst foreign policy presidents ever.' 12/27/16Obama, Conservative,
New law signed by Obama targets independent media outlets, websites, for elimination under NDAA and any Conservative outlet that could be classified as 'Fake News'12/26/16Obama, Freedom, Media
Trump right again? Crime soars and cops under attack. Violence against police has also increased sharply. Shootings of police officers are up over 70% in 2016, and fatal ambushes are up by over 150%12/23/16Race, Violence, Obama
Blame Government, not Millennials for the new 75-year record of young Americans living at home12/22/16Obama, Conservative, Economics
WSJ: 16 of the 20 largest police departments in the country reported a rise in homicides as of mid-December. The city of Chicago showed an astounding 56% increase in murders from 2015 12/22/16Violence, Race, Obama
President Barack Obama's administration is in line to issue regulations totaling $6 billion during the 'midnight period' between Election Day but before the inauguration. The $6 billion comes from 5 regulations and estimates the regulations will add 350,000 hours of additional paperwork12/21/16Obama, Freedom,
VIDEO: Markay On President Obama And Democratic Party Not Understanding Criticism 12/21/16Obama, Conservative, Video
OBAMA TRIES TO DEFINE AWAY REALITY, BUT REALITY WINS - Ben Shapiro 12/21/16Obama, Conservative,
Tree-Hugger To The Bitter End: Obama Bans Drilling In Atlantic, Arctic 12/20/16Obama, Environmental,
Obama administration engaged in a calculated effort to dismantle an Energy Department program so it could focus on meeting the goals of the president's climate change agenda, even going as far as to fire scientists that disobeyed strict orders not to talk to members of Congres 12/20/16Obama, Environmental, Freedom
House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Rob Bishop criticized President Obama's announcement banning offshore drilling in the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, calling the move an 'abuse of power' and 'naive and unprecedented'12/20/16Obama, Environmental, Freedom
VIDEO: Ben Shapiro: Why Barack Obama is a Criminal12/20/16Obama, Conservative, Video
You don’t understand how bad Obama was for Democrats until you see these statistics12/19/16Obama, Conservative,
Continuing Obama’s Climate Agenda Will Cost $1 Trillion12/19/16Environmental, Obama,
Obama Pats Himself On The Back: ‘Every Country On Earth Sees America As Stronger’ Than Before I Took Office12/16/16Obama, ,
Loretta Lynch confirms Obama can't mass pardon 'DREAMERS'12/15/16Obama, Immigration,
White House Chief of Staff says Obama is the 'Most Catholic' President ever; despite ordering religious images being covered at a 2009 Georgetown speaking event or forcing religious organizations to fund abortion or a long list of religious attacking12/15/16Obama, Christianity, Liberal Bias
Obama says 'we have, by no means overcome the legacies of slavery and Jim Crow and colonialism and racism' in America 12/13/16Obama, Race,
Video: CAIR Backs DOJ Discrimination Claim for Virginia Mosque Ban 12/13/16Islam, Obama, Freedom
North Dakota law enforcement officials, who have been dealing with violent anti-pipeline protesters, accused President Obama of willfully ignoring their requests for help and warned that fed-up local groups are preparing to take matters into their own hands against the protesters12/12/16Obama, Environmental, Liberal Bias
Obama is hinting racism played a role in Republican opposition to his liberal political agenda and his failures 12/8/16Obama, ,
In his final address to America’s armed forces, President Barack Obama reminded troops that once Donald J. Trump becomes president, soldiers have a duty to question his authority and criticize him 12/7/16Obama, ,
Obama's Final National Security Speech: 'Stigmatize Good, Patriotic Muslims,' and You Fuel Terrorism 12/6/16Obama, ,
The Pentagon finds over $125 Million in administrative waste, so they decided to hide it 12/6/16Obama, Freedom, HoaxFraud
Obama links Jihad Terrorism to be caused by Global Warming and the Second Amendment 12/6/16Obama, Environmental, Guns
Media Goes Defcon 1 Over Trump Phone Call, Ignores Obama’s $1.83 Billion Weapons Sale to Taiwan 12/5/16Obama, Media, Liberal Bias
Obama administration fails to check immigrants against FBI databases, approves citizenship. Homeland Security officials blamed computer code for the problem, which affected about 15,000 applications in total 12/4/16Immigration, Obama,
Iran Threatens to Walk Away From Nuke Deal, Retaliate Against U.S. for New Sanctions 12/2/16Obama, Islam,
New Record: Americans Not in Labor Force Breaks 95 Million for First Time 12/2/16Obama, Economics,
Obama's Student Loan Bailout costs twice the original estimate of $25 Billion, and balloons to $53 Billion12/1/16Obama, Education,
According to a new report released by the Government Accountability Office, the federal government is on track to forgive at least $108 billion in student debt in the coming years12/1/16Education, Freedom,
White House Insists Obama Has Lived up to Ideals of Nobel Prize 11/30/16Obama, ,
America’s Economy Before Obama Versus After Obama. He's worse than Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, and JFK 11/29/16Obama, Conservative,
Obama And The Democrats Dismal Recovery. The Obama recovery of the last seven years remains the worst in postwar American history, a Forbes opinion piece published in 2016 outlined. Average gross domestic product (GDP) growth since the bottom of the recession in 2009 was barely above 2.1% per year. The average since 1949 is well above 4% per year during the previous 10 expansion11/29/16Obama, Economics,
Obama Praises Fidel Castro while Donald Trump condemns his record of human rights abuse11/26/16Obama, Socialism,
Obama’s Statement on Fidel Castro’s Death Whitewashes History 11/26/16Obama, Remove History, Conservative
Another Obama DHS screw up: 20,000 green cards handed out like candy11/23/16Immigration, Obama,
Obama administration in its death throes still covering up key details of Iran deal 11/22/16Obama, ,
Sean Hannity: Fanning Flames instead of calling for calm is 'classic Obama'11/18/16Obama, ,
Merkel With Obama: Internet ‘Disruptive’ Force that Has to Be ‘Contained, Managed, and Steered’ by Government 11/17/16Obama, Freedom,
The Failure of Islamic Democracy continues to allude idiot Leftists 11/17/16Conservative, Islam, Obama
U.S. District Court Judge Samuel Cummings placed a temporary injunction against the Department of Labor from enforcing its new Persuader Rule in July after several companies and trade groups filed suit against the department. The new rule would have forced employers to disclose any legal advice they receive regarding unionization campaigns, even if those lawyers and consultants did not interact with workers or publicly advocate in the workplace—the previous disclosure standard, which was one of Obama’s most controversial labor policies, which critics say would have hampered the First Amendment rights of employers 11/16/16Obama, Freedom,
2008 Obama Memo: Border Fence Useful In Stopping Illegal Immigration11/14/16Immigration, Obama,
President Barack Obama said he hoped that President-elect Donald Trump would consider helping illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children who were granted amnesty by his 2012 executive order and urges Trump to ignore the law like Obama did 11/14/16Immigration, Obama,
Nearly one-third of U.S. households (29 %) contain a family member victimized by violent crime in the last year 11/14/16Obama, ,
Obama Administration Gives up on Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) 11/11/16Obama, ,
When the Trump Team Comes Looking for the Secrets of Obama's Iran File 11/11/16Obama, ,
State Dept Again Called Out for Not Saying Iran Violated Nuke Deal 11/11/16Obama, Islam,
VIDEO: Obama encourages illegal aliens to vote without fear of being deported. 11/5/16Obama, Immigration, Video
Instead of defending America, Obama’s chosen representative agreed that our Communist enemies had a point about our lack of human rights and our imperialist foreign policy 11/2/16Obama, Socialism,
Obama says Men are 'Sexist' to not vote for Hillary11/1/16Clinton, Obama, Feminism
The Obama administration is using billions of dollars in banking fines to fund radical left-wing activist groups that work to elect Democrats, according to an eye-opening new study from a nonpartisan research institute 10/28/16Obama, Freedom,
The administration has warned the PA that the US will veto any anti-Israel resolution brought before the UN Security Council before the US presidential elections on November 810/27/16Obama, ,
One of Hillary Clinton’s top aides urged colleagues to 'clean this up' after President Obama claimed in March 2015 he only learned of Clinton’s private email system from news reports -- a statement the aide pointedly challenged by noting the president 'has emails' from her non-department address and tried to get marked classified e-mails changed to non-classified10/25/16Obama, Clinton,
Obama Admin Demands Soldiers Repay $15K Bonuses For Serving in Middle East 10/25/16Obama, Patriotism,
Obama team kept list of Muslims for top jobs, excluded non-Muslims 10/24/16Obama, Liberal Bias, Islam
Obama administration paves way for Iran to rebuild its air force with US-made aircraft 10/24/16Obama, Islam,
The Obama administration plans to appeal a judge’s ruling that allowed schools to temporarily ignore the administration’s guidelines on transgenders in the bathroom 10/21/16LGBT, Obama, Freedom
Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Donna Brazile contradicted Democrats’ statements about a President Obama’s good economy when she told Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta her real thoughts on the financial state of many Americans. New Wikileaks documents reveal thatBrazile wrote: 'I think people are more in despair about how things are—yes new jobs but they are low wage jobs. HOUSING is a huge issue. Most people pay half of what they make to rent'.10/21/16Obama, Economics,
Obama says he has 'nothing to do with' the Skyrocketing Premiums of Obamacare 10/20/16Obama, Healthcare,
New Wikileaks emails released as part 13 of the John Podesta hack provide yet more confirmation that Barack Obama lied when he claimed he didn’t know Hillary Clinton was using a private unsecure email server 10/20/16Obama, Clinton,
No Obama didn't cut the deficit by 2/3. This repeated Democratic canard relies on fraudulent accounting that only starts more than halfway through Obama’s first year in office, after the $862 billion stimulus, the massive omnibus spending bill and the deployment of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), which was signed by Obama’s predecessor. Obama spent staggering amounts of money in his first months in office–which he assigns, dishonestly, to the previous fiscal year, under George W. Bush. He 'cut' (i.e. spent more gradually) from that spending, but only under protest, after Republicans took the House in 2010. 10/19/16Obama, Conservative,
Obama Boasts how it helps that Democrats control the voting machines 10/18/16HoaxFraud, Obama,
Leaked E-mails show Democrats believe that Obama 'Flooded the polls with illegals' in order to win back in 200810/15/16Obama, HoaxFraud,
A Senate Democrat blasted the Obama administration for directing a 'profound shift away from our own commitment to the rule of law and the processes of democracy as we have always known them' with its Cuba concessions; saying they 'simply and blatantly violate both the Cuban Democracy Act of 1992 and the Cuban Liberty and the Libertad Act of 1996, which codified the embargo against Cuba, and indicate that the United States government will now actively ‘authorize contracts and violations currently prohibited by the embargo' 10/14/16Obama, ,
House Slaps US Gov’t With Lawsuit Against Obamacare Bailout Of Insurance Companies 10/14/16Obama, Healthcare,
Obama, Media Go Quiet on Historic Mideast Catastrophe 10/10/16Conservative, Obama,
Supreme Court splits decision on Obama's internet give-a-way, allowing internet control to move to internationalists bodies 10/7/16Obama, Freedom,
Obama Aids Iranian Nuclear Terror. New information exposes old lies about the nuclear deal. 10/7/16Obama, Islam, Conservative
Obama and the UN work together on Climate Change treaty to tie Trump's hands if he is elected president. 10/6/16Obama, Environmental,
More Islamic Genocide of Christians ensures, but Obama still isn't taking in Christians10/2/16Islam, Christianity, Obama
The Obama Administration is crafting an illegal bailout to prop up the President’s health-care law.News leaked this week that the Obama Administration is moving to pay health insurers billions of dollars through an obscure Treasury Department account known as the Judgment Fund.Obama is pulling Unconstitutional moves to spend money where Congress wouldn’t9/30/16Obama, Healthcare, Freedom
VIDEO: Journalist destroys 3 liberals refusing to condemn President Obama's failures 9/30/16Obama, Conservative, Video
The New Middle East Obama casued. The eastern side of the Aleppo, which has been under the control of US-supported rebel groups since 2012, is being bombed into the Stone Age by Russian and Syrian aircraft. It is hard to assess how long the siege of eastern Aleppo by Russia, its Iranian and Hezbollah partners and its Syrian regime puppet will last. But what is an all but foregone conclusion now is that eastern Aleppo will fall. And with its fall, the Russian-Iranian-Hezbollah-Assad axis will consolidate its control over all of western Syria.9/30/16Obama, Conservative,
Obama administration sues gay Trump supporter and venture capitalist Peter Thiel's company, because he supports Trump and his company hires on merit and not racial quotas 9/29/16Obama, Freedom,
Four States Block Obama's Transfer of the Internet to international bodies with lawsuit. Haulting the October 1st give-a-way9/29/16Obama, Freedom,
500 million Yahoo email accounts were hacked in 2014 – making it the largest data breach in U.S. history. Even more troubling is the fact that the perpetrators have been reported to be 'state-sponsored' actors – with China and Russia among the likely suspects. Still, Obama wants to give the Chinese and Russian governments more control over how the Internet operates by promising to shut down the federal government budget so that he can meet his goal of giving away a portion of America’s control over the Internet to these foreign governments by October 19/26/16Obama, Freedom,
Obama Vetoes 9/11 Bill, Defends Saudi Arabia from Lawsuits9/23/16Obama, ,
After Obama paid a $1.7 billion dollar ransom to Iran, including $400 million in cash, something no other American president had ever done, it seems he didn’t have enough charity in his heart to buy a plane ticket home for this American Christian pastor9/23/16Obama, Liberal Bias,
What Happens When You Can't Trust the FBI and the Department of Justice? 9/23/16Conservative, Obama, Clinton
Obama's State department spokesperson said 'I wouldn't debate the fact that there's the potential for ISIS terrorists to try to insert themselves, and we see that in some of the refugee camps in Jordan and in Turkey, where they try to insert themselves into the population.' Still, they want to bring in over 100,000 refugees from countries hostile towards America by 2017 and Hillary Clinton supports the initiative if she is elected president 9/23/16Islam, Immigration, Obama
Emails: Obama Admin Rushes Citizenship Applications ‘Due To Election’ 9/22/16Obama, Islam, Immigration
NARRATIVES VS. BOMBS: Why Obama and Clinton have lost the War on Terror. 9/21/16Conservative, Islam, Obama
A new Homeland Security internal audit reveals the U.S. government mistakenly granted citizenship to 'at least 858 immigrants who had pending deportation orders from countries of concern to national security or with high rates of immigration fraud.' As a result some of those individuals have been able to obtain security-sensitive jobs 9/19/16Islam, Immigration, Obama
Robert Spencer: As Obama touts Islam’s fellowship and love, ISIS celebrates by hanging infidels from meat hooks 9/16/16Conservative, Obama, Islam
20 Ex Gitmo Detainees Confirmed or Suspected of Returning to Terror (WTLD)9/16/16Islam, Violence,
Brian Williams: Obama Is ‘A Communicator Who Can Deliver That Unlike Anything We Have Ever Seen’ 9/14/16Obama, Media,
The Department of Homeland Security admitted they have not explored the use of (invested in) 'deception detection technology' for screening refugees and other visa applicants despite a law signed last year directing the agency to do so9/14/16Islam, Immigration, Freedom
A Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) memo signaled an openness to using federal funds earmarked for court settlements to bailout health insurance companies struggling under Obamacare9/13/16Obama, Freedom, Healthcare
The media is refusing to cover another scandal: VA has ''quietly stopped sharing data on the quality of care at its facilities with a national database for consumers despite a 2014 law requiring the agency to report more comprehensive statistics to the site so veterans can make informed decisions about where to seek care'9/13/16Obama, Media, Liberal Bias
GQ: Protesting Obama Same as Protesting Anthem, Flag 9/12/16Media, Liberal Bias, PC
The Obama legacy: An economy choking on red tape 9/12/16Obama, Conservative,
The Obama legacy: Big government's failed pitchman 9/12/16Obama, Conservative, Freedom
Obama's America — transformed indeed 9/12/16Obama, Conservative,
Obama's military crisis needs fixing 9/12/16Obama, Conservative,
Chamber of Commerce chief: Attacks on our rights must be challenged9/12/16Obama, Conservative, Freedom
Impervious Hubris: How U.S. Intelligence Failures About Islam Led to ISIS 9/12/16Conservative, Obama, Islam
The Obama legacy: An assault on the Bill of Rights 9/11/16Obama, Conservative, Freedom
The Obama legacy: More tyranny and chaos abroad 9/10/16Obama, Conservative,
Illegal Alien Child Rapist that Hillary's State Department did not report ends up shooting two police officers 9/8/16Immigration, Clinton, Obama
Obama Praises Colin Kaepernick's protest; says there are 'legitimate issues' that Kaepernick is fighting for 9/5/16Obama, Race,
There are 94 million Americans out of work. There were 6,053,000 Americans working part-time in August who would rather have a full-time job but cited economic reasons for not having such employment; which is an increase of 113,000 over the month9/2/16Obama, ,
Obama created ISIS. Confirmed again through hacked Nancy Pelosi e-mail where she writes: 'Our (2003) invasion created the atmosphere for a Jordanian to start a Muslim sectarian war, which ultimately created ISIS'. The leaked memo reveals the state of affairs 'worsened after U.S. troops left Iraq, helping quickly deteriorate the situation further' and give way to the rise of ISIS 9/1/16Obama, Islam,
From 2011 to 2015, the IRS flagged nearly 1.1 million tax returns where someone appeared to have stolen a valid Social Security number (SSN), according to an inspector general report which found that the IRS failed to notify or provide assistance to the victims of such employment-related identity theft which is likely because the most likely ones who are abusing those SSNs are illegal immigrants 8/31/16Immigration, Obama, HoaxFraud
Obama will bypass the Constitution and pass a Climate Change multinational treaty because he doesn't care about our laws8/30/16Environmental, Obama, Freedom
Obama commutes another 111 criminals 8/30/16Obama, ,
Chicago had its deadliest month in over two decades; more evidence of all the good Obama has done8/30/16Obama, ,
WSJ: Obama is giving the control of the internet to the U.N.8/29/16Obama, Freedom,
VIDEO: Robert Spencer on the Obama/Clinton war against the reality of the jihad threat 8/29/16Islam, Conservative, Video
Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, former director of Obama’s Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) said Obama and Hillary ignored good intel that they didn't like and only wanted happy talk. Flynn argued that this effort by Obama, Clinton and others to reduce the intelligence community to gathering only facts that the senior administration officials wanted to hear—rather than what they needed to hear—helped the enemy fester and grow 8/28/16Obama, Clinton, Islam
VIDEO: Barack Obama's Brother Endorsed Donald Trump and his brother Barack has broken all the promises he made8/28/16Obama, Conservative, Video
A Liberal columnist for the Chicago Tribune admits: How can we claim to be so worried about Donald Trump rolling over the Constitution, when Obama has been doing that with the Transgender Bathroom law, Immigration reform, and Obamacare already with no complaints from liberals? 8/26/16Obama, LGBT, Conservative
Beyond Belief: Obama seeks Illegal Immigration assistance of Latin American countries as aliens flood into the U.S. in waves. 8/26/16Obama, Immigration, Conservative
3.2 Million Workers Lost Long-Term Jobs Due to Closings, Business Failings between 2013 to 2015 8/25/16Obama, Economics,
The Tanning salon industry is feeling burned by Obamacare and business owners around the country say the 10% tax on tanning in Obama’s health care overhaul has crippled the industry and has caused nearly 10,000 of the 18,000 tanning salons in the U.S. to close 8/23/16Obama, Healthcare,
Why is the Media going crazy over Ryan Lochte when Hillary Clinton and Obama do this all the time? 8/20/16Conservative, Clinton, Obama
Obama releases 15 inmates from the Guantanamo Bay prison; making it the single largest transfer of Guantanamo detainees during Obama's presidency8/15/16Obama, ,
Obama urges that 'Climate Change' is the 'one of the most urgent challenges of our time'. Forget Black Lives Matter riots or ISIS 8/15/16Environmental, Obama,
OBAMA'S MILWAUKEE: Race Rioters openly target white people 8/15/16Conservative, Obama, Race
Female aid worker raped by 15 south Sudanese soldiers and the U.N. peacekeeping force stationed less than a mile away refused to respond to desperate calls for help as well as Obama's U.S. Embassy. That's how progressivism works8/15/16Obama, ,
Hezbollah Leader: Trump is right; Obama is the founder of ISIS8/14/16Islam, Obama,
Dozens of whistleblowers are saying the Obama Administration is doctoring reports and the Pentagon fabricated data in intelligence reports to claim that America’s fight against ISIS was going better than it really was. Even more incredible, military analysts familiar with the report said that head of CENTCOM’s intelligence directorate, Maj. Gen. Steven Grove, and his civilian deputy, Gregory Ryckman, deleted emails and files from computer systems before the inspector general could examine them – essentially destroying evidence of 'cooking the books'8/11/16Obama, HoaxFraud, Islam
Twitter's CEO in 2015 reportedly asked its media team to censor abusive tweets directed toward President Obama during a question-and-answer session 8/11/16Freedom, Media, Liberal Bias
Obama Administration Rewards Sanctuary Cities That Shield Violent Illegal Immigrants 8/10/16Immigration, Obama,
5 Reasons Barack Obama Was and Remains Unfit for the Presidency8/7/16Obama, Conservative,
White House map shows Islamic State still expanding, contradicting public claims8/6/16Obama, Islam,
A State Department spokesman broke into hysterics at the mention of 'transparency and democracy' caught on video.8/5/16Freedom, Obama,
Sheriff David Clarke on Jailbreak Bill: Democrats Have ‘Always Been Pro-Criminal’; GOP Elites like Paul Ryan ‘in Bed with This Sleazy Movement’ 8/5/16Obama, ,
Obama writes for Glamour: 'All Men Should be Feminists'8/4/16Obama, Feminism, PC
Obama Announces 214 More Sentence Commutations: 50+ with Firearms Charges 8/3/16Obama, ,
Obama Illegaly Pays $400 Million Ransom to Iran and the White House admits that Iran might use it to Sponsor Terrorism 8/3/16Obama, Islam, Freedom
FBI documents released by Judicial Watch include interviews with IRS employees in the Cincinnati tax exempt office run by Lois Lerner that prove employees were under instructions to bury the applications of Tea Party groups8/3/16Obama, Freedom, Liberal Bias
The Obama administration sent a letter to congressional leaders urging them to pass emergency funding to fight the Zika virus just weeks after the president threatened to veto a $1.1 billion Zika spending measure passed by the House of Representatives 8/3/16Obama, Healthcare,
New Economic report revealed that the economy has grown by only 1.2% in the second quarter, and experienced a growth of just 0.8% in the first quarter. Wall Street analysts expected to see a second quarter growth of 2.6%, which was more than double reality8/2/16Obama, ,
ATF Illegally Hoarding American Gun Owners Personal Information 8/2/16Guns, Freedom, Obama
The number of homicides committed in major cities during the first half of 2016 is up by more than 15% and overall violent crime is up more than 2% compared to the first half of 2015 7/26/16Obama, ,
Obama will soon expand efforts to help Central American families legally immigrate to the U.S. amid another surge of migrants caught crossing the border illegally. Since October, more than 51,100 people traveling as families and more than 43,000 unaccompanied children have been caught illegally crossing the Mexican border. 7/26/16Immigration, Obama,
During Obama's Press Conference about the Munich Terrorist attack, Obama lets out a chuckle about his daughter going to college 7/22/16Obama, ,
Ben Shapiro talks about how Obama Has Destroyed America's Trust In Everyone But Him 7/20/16Obama, Conservative,
Fighters from a US-backed Syrian militant group have been filmed brutally beheading a child as young as 11 and the group is financed by the Obama administration 7/19/16Islam, Obama,
Obama’s Refusal To Acknowledge Radical Islam Has A Dangerous Precedent, just like Hoover refused to acknowledge the Mafia7/15/16Obama, Islam, Conservative
Hollande Warns of What Obama Won't say. Islamic Terrorism is Real 7/15/16Islam, Obama,
Obama says it's 'easier to get a gun' than access to a computer 7/14/16Obama, Guns,
VIDEO: The Iran Nuclear Deal, One Year Later 7/14/16Obama, ,
Why Race Relations Have Gotten Worse Under Barack Obama 7/14/16Obama, Race, Conservative
Sheriff Clarke: 'Obama's Set This Whole Country on Fire With His Race Politics'7/10/16Obama, Race, Conservative
Obama Pushes More Federal Oversight of Cops After Dallas Attack on Cops 7/9/16Obama, Freedom,
Obamas Biggest Failure: The president has substantially set back race relations in the United States. 7/9/16Obama, Race,
Bill O'Reilly Reveals Picture of Obama in Muslim outfit from 1999 7/6/16Obama, ,
VIDEO: Ted Cruz Questions DHS Secretary Johnson on Obama Admin’s Willful Blindness to Radical Islamic Terrorism 6/30/16Islam, Obama, Video
Law Enforcement Sources have traced one of the guns used in the Paris terrorist attacks to the 'Fast and Furious' gun-running program Obama illegally conducted6/29/16Obama, Freedom,
VIDEO: Ted Cruz Traces Examples of Obama's Willful Blindness on Jihad6/29/16Islam, Video, Obama
Olympic Countdown: Al Qaeda Terrorist Released from Gitmo to Uruguay Sneaked into Brazil, Whereabouts Unknown6/28/16Islam, Obama,
Obama Administration being sued for $15 Billion for Stopping the Keystone Pipeline solely to give the appearance of being tough on Climate Change 6/26/16Obama, Environmental,
The 6 Things Obama Doesn’t Want You to Know About the Islamic State6/24/16Islam, Obama,
VIDEO: Krauthammer: President Obama was Intellectually Dishonest by over-stepping his boundries of authority in the Immigration Decision that was struck down 6/23/16Immigration, Freedom, Video
Sex slave escapes ISIS & testifies before Congress. Then she humiliates Obama with one damning line6/22/16Obama, Islam,
SLATE: How Senate obstruction of Merrick Garland spoiled this term.6/22/16Media, Freedom,
Obama admitted nearly 1 Million immigrants from Muslim countries in the last 5 years 6/19/16Islam, Immigration, Obama
The Commerce Department is set this July to publish a stunning 2% downward revision of gross domestic product (GDP) during the Obama Administration term in office. 6/16/16Obama, ,
The 'Dictator' Obama is Flooding Rural Towns with Illegal Aliens 6/16/16Immigration, Obama,
Ted Cruz is fighting Obama to not allow the regulation of the internet to be taken over by globalists and the U.N. 6/15/16Obama, Freedom,
Why a lifelong Democrat Doctor is voting for Trump. Spoiler alert! It's because Obamacare is a disaster 6/15/16Healthcare, Obama,
Obama administration deleted critical information that may have prevented 2 Muslim terror attacks6/15/16Obama, Islam, Freedom
VIDEO: Obama PRAISES Islam and BASHES Christianity 6/15/16Obama, Christianity, Video
New leaked memos showing Obama was supporting ISIS and Hillary Clinton was on board with it 6/14/16Obama, Islam,
Obama aligning with Feminists to 'change' the internet and screen anything that offends fat feminists 6/14/16Obama, Feminism, Freedom
Obama's 'Moral Evolution' is in full swing. And it means leaving America with no sense of decency 6/10/16Conservative, Obama,
Report: $1.7 Billion Obama Paid to Iran During Release of US Hostages Went Straight to Iranian Military 6/9/16Obama, ,
Expert: Supreme Court Could Strip Congress of Control Over Immigration in Obama v. Texas case. Giving the Executive branch unlimited power 6/8/16Immigration, Obama, Freedom
New Study Details Impact of ObamaCare on Job Creation. Hundreds of thousands of jobs lost 6/8/16Obama, Healthcare,
Obama administration erases from the transcipt the part where the White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest was asked if he can say there were no lies in the Iran deal! They try to erase that statement where he said 'no' from public record 6/7/16Obama, Freedom,
New report reveals that over 400 Tea Party and Conservative groups were targeted in Obama's corrupt IRS scandal 6/5/16Obama, Freedom, Liberal Bias
Obama's collaboration with Madness 6/5/16Obama, LGBT, Freedom
Seven Years After the Great Recession, Obama’s Economy Is Still Crawling 6/3/16Obama, ,
Obama cuts prison sentence of 42 more criminals 6/3/16Obama, ,
U.S. employers drastically slowed their hiring in May, adding just 38,000, the fewest in more than 5 years, At the same time, the unemployment rate tumbled from 5% to 4.7% because 500,000 jobless Americans stopped looking for work and so were no longer officially counted as unemployed6/3/16Obama, ,
Obamacare’s Corrupt and Odious Bailouts6/3/16Obama, Healthcare,
Obama withholding info on 86,000 illegal immigrant criminals6/3/16Immigration, Obama,
Obama Compares San Jose Violence To ‘Bad Habits’ Of Republican Party6/3/16Obama, ,
Obama will pass Bush as the most incompetent President of our time. And here's why 6/3/16Obama, Conservative,
Obama blames the high tuition costs on states spending too much money on prisons and that tuition used to be lower because it was subsidized by the government. Which COULD NOT BE MORE INACCURATE 6/2/16Obama, Education,
5 Reasons Obama's 'Transgender' bathroom policy is foolish 6/1/16LGBT, Freedom, Conservative
Iran will be renewing financial support to the Gaza- based terror organization Palestinian Islamic Jihad after two years of strained relations. So it's great Obama is cutting deals with Iran5/27/16Islam, Obama,
ISIS Drops 25 People Into ACID After Obama Pulls Out Of Iraq5/26/16Islam, Obama,
OBAMA'S REFUGEES AND SURGING DEADLY DISEASES IN AMERICA: An outbreak of deadly infectious tuberculosis among refugees President Obama sent to Indiana is a frightening reminder that the administration's dangerous immigration policies are putting American lives at risk5/26/16Islam, Immigration, Healthcare
Eleven states suing Obama over transgender bathroom coercion from the government5/25/16Freedom, Education, LGBT
Obama Admin. Sued Business Because It Kept Male Employee Out Of Women’s Room. Deluxe Financial Services, denied that it violated any anti-discrimination laws but agreed to settle the case for $115,000 in order to avoid further costs of litigation5/25/16LGBT, Freedom, Obama
Obama's Fast and Furious guns linked to another 69 dead5/25/16Obama, ,
Obama releases another 24 terrorists from Gitmo 5/25/16Obama, Islam,
More millennials live at home than live with a spouse for the first time in 130 years. So yeah, things have been going well under Obama5/24/16Misc, Obama,
Obama has added 20,642 new regulations during his presidency5/23/16Freedom, Obama,
Walls closing in on the Obamacare lawlessness5/23/16Healthcare, Obama,
U.S. LT. General says Obama is letting terrorist cross the border and Conservatives are too paranoid to try and stop it5/23/16Obama, Immigration, Islam
Retired Air Force General says Obama has unilaterally disarmed America5/22/16Obama, ,
Despite what the media tells you, two-thirds of America are against Obama's Tranny Bathroom coercion5/22/16Obama, LGBT, Media
Obama signs bill to ban words 'Negro' and 'Oriental'5/22/16Obama, Race,
New documents show Obama officials were deliberately obstructing congressional probes into the border gun-running operation 'Fast and Furious'5/21/16Obama, Freedom,
House Democrats trying to leverage Obama's executive LGBT law to withhold money for contracted businesses5/19/16Obama, Freedom, LGBT
How Barack Obama’s Foreign Policy De-Stabilized the World5/19/16Obama, Islam, Conservative
Obama to spend millions to get refugees summer jobs5/18/16Immigration, Obama,
Democratic Senator says GOP is blocking Obama's Supreme Court nominee because he is black. The race card is at it again!5/17/16Race, Obama,
Trey Gowdy Ridicules 'Creative Writing Expert' Ben Rhodes because Rhodes was an aspiring fiction novelist that somehow ends up being National Security Advisor5/17/16Conservative, Obama,
Law professors sign open letter objecting to the Obama administration of federal overreach by redefining sexual harrassment to the point it is Unconstitutional5/16/16Obama, Freedom, LGBT
Obama’s Threat to Defund Schools Over Trans Bathroom Issue Violates Federal Law5/16/16Obama, LGBT, Freedom
Congressman: Classified Details of Iran’s Treatment of U.S. Sailors Will Shock Nation how incompetant Obama handled the situation5/16/16Islam, Obama, Media
The Obama administration won't let Ben Rhodes testify on the deception of the Iran Deal because it will make Obama look like the liar he is5/16/16Obama, Islam, Media
Obamacare's 2017 rate requests are in and the increase in rates ranges from 13% to 32% increases5/15/16Obama, Healthcare,
Obama's terrible legacy on student loans5/13/16Obama, Education, Conservative
Obama DOJ will threaten schools with stripping of funding if they don't let biological males into women's bathrooms5/12/16Obama, Freedom, LGBT
At graduation speech, Obama implies that blacks committing crimes are just a result of the 'system' and successful people basically just got lucky and it was nothing they did5/11/16Obama, ,
Iraqi Priest says pulling out of Iraq was a bigger mistake than going in5/11/16Obama, ,
Obama's war on gender privacy5/10/16Obama, Freedom, LGBT
Obama’s Lawsuit Against North Carolina Isn’t About Civil Rights. It’s About Crushing Dissent 5/10/16LGBT, Obama, Freedom
Obama doesn't care that illegal immigrants overstay their visa's and are staying here illegally5/9/16Obama, Immigration,
White House Press Secretary says point blank that Obama lied about the Iran Nuclear Deal5/9/16Obama, ,
Ben Rhodes reveals how Obama duped America into a dangerous Iran deal5/9/16Obama, Islam,
Obama administration facing lawsuit for systematically obstructing transparency5/9/16Obama, Freedom,
Obama using government coercion and subsidies to get poor people to move to more upper class areas to be more 'equal' and it has disastrous results already5/8/16Obama, Freedom, Race
In Mother's Day speech, Obama shows how generous he is with other peoples money5/8/16Obama, ,
VIDEO: Obama Admin was deliberately deceptive about the Iran Nuclear Deal5/7/16Obama, Video,
In April 2016, the Labor Force Participation rate dropped to 62.8%, the lowest rate in 38 years5/6/16Obama, ,
On National prayer day, a Rabbi scolds Obama, reminding him he took an oath over the bible when sworn in office that he has betrayed pushing for gay marriage5/6/16Obama, Religion,
See How President Obama is imported terror at the expense of Americans safety5/6/16Obama, Immigration, Islam
Army officer suing President Obama for his handling of the war against ISIS without Congressional approval5/5/16Obama, ,
Obama foreign policy guru brags about how the administration lied to sell the Iran deal5/5/16Obama, Media,
He did it again! Obama lets go another 57 drug offenders just because he feels like it5/5/16Obama, ,
VIDEO: Summarizing some of the Foreign Policy Failures of Obama5/4/16Conservative, Video, Obama
Obama dedicates $1.3 Billion in education funding for illegal immigrant education5/3/16Immigration, Obama, Education
Obama making moves to strip older American's of their 2nd Amendment rights5/3/16Guns, Obama,
Obama plans to cut screening time of Muslim refugees by two-thirds5/3/16Obama, Islam, Immigration
Obama dedicates $2.1 Billion for refugees, which includes illegal immigrants 5/2/16Immigration, Obama,
Only 6 months after Obama's budget deal, he's added another $1 Trillion to the National Debt5/2/16Obama, Immigration,
Obama frees USS Cole bombing terrorist. American's lives don't matter 5/2/16Obama, Islam,
The inconvenient ecnomics of Obamacare5/1/16Obama, Video, Conservative
Obama administration releases illegal immigrant, who goes on to rape and murder a 60-year-old woman. Now gets life in prison4/29/16Immigration, Obama,
Obama will be the first President in U.S. history without having a single year of 3.0%+ GDP growth4/29/16Obama, ,
Obama will likely have a 1.55% GDP annual growth over his presidency, the 4th lowest economic growth rate in United States history4/29/16Obama, ,
Obama's DOJ dedicating $1.75 Million to help juvenile criminals arrested from protests and call them 'justice involved youth' 4/29/16Obama, Race,
Obama brags about his legacy and calls his economic growth the best in modern history as growth slows to 0.5%4/28/16Obama, ,
More than 20,000 illegal alien criminals released in 20154/28/16Obama, Immigration,
Police chief says Obama is running a 'catch and release' program with illegal immigrant murderers and rapists4/28/16Obama, Immigration,
Obama celebrates police initiative that was ignored by 85% of jurisdictions4/28/16Obama, ,
Obama's has DOUBLED the national debt and it's totally Unconstitutional4/26/16Obama, Freedom,
Obama to release thousands of felons AGAIN, just because4/25/16Obama, ,
Obama's lawlessness in his second term sets a scary precedent4/25/16Obama, ,
Obama praises Angela Merkel for 'open borders' and he thinks the Muslim migration has been good for Europe4/24/16Obama, Immigration, Islam
Googles Remarkably Close Relationship With the Obama White House, in Two Charts 4/22/16Media, Indoctrination, Obama
Federal health officials refuse to give Congress hundreds of subpoenaed documents on Obamacare’s failed co-ops so that people will continue enrolling in the deeply troubled program4/20/16Healthcare, Obama, Freedom
How Obama's counter-terrorism efforts have been an absolute disaster4/20/16Islam, Conservative, Obama
The nation's largest health insurance provider will leave Obamacare, citing $1 billion in losses4/19/16Healthcare, Obama,
VIDEO: Saudi Arabia is a Cancer to the World. So why is Obama their bitch?4/19/16Conservative, Video, Islam
Tennessee to sue the Obama Administration over forcing the state to accept Syrian 'refugees' that the govermnet doesn't know if they are terrorists or not and potentially endangering citizens4/19/16Freedom, Obama, Immigration
Another taxpayer funded 'Green energy' company goes bankrupt after $2.7 billion of taxpayer funds4/17/16Environmental, Obama,
Obama issued 700,000 green cards to Muslims. Terrorism is not a big deal to the Obama Administration4/16/16Obama, Islam, Immigration
How Hillary Clinton is responsible for what even Obama considers was a massive failure on his part4/15/16Obama, ,
Insurance companies warn that ObamaCare losses are unsustainable4/15/16Healthcare, Obama,
Obama's military budget cuts taking its toll on the American military4/15/16Obama, ,
Obama has collected an average of $124,000 per U.S. job during his socialist presidency4/15/16Obama, Freedom,
Four reasons the massive Obama Government spending is even worse than taxes4/15/16Obama, Conservative, Freedom
Obamacare making illegal payments to insurers4/15/16Healthcare, Obama,
Obama meets with hip-hop rappers Busta Ryhmes, Ludacris, J.Cole, and Wale to discuss criminal justice reform. These are the people giving him advice4/15/16Obama, ,
Obama admin still refuses to acknowledge the Boston Marathon Bombing was a terrorist act4/15/16Islam, Obama,
How Obama's refugee policies endanger Americans and undermine National Security4/15/16Obama, Immigration, Islam
High Taxes bring in a record of $1.48 Trillion in tax revenue the past six months, but in the same period the government spent $1.941 Trillion, leaving the U.S. with a $461 Billion deficit. A record haul in tax revenue, and still can't balance the budget4/14/16Obama, Freedom,
Obama gives more terrorists 'get out of jail free' cards. Endangering more Americans4/13/16Obama, Islam, Conservative
In Obama's eleventh hour, he takes another executive action to increase the government's ability to confiscate land whenever it decides is protecting the environment4/12/16Obama, Environmental,
Obama's willing executioners in the media. So many scandals by Obama, yet the media rarely ever pay any attention to cover for him4/9/16Media, Obama,
The Islamic State in Libya has doubled under Obama's awful foreign policy4/9/16Islam, Obama,
Team Obama setting us up for another Housing market crash4/9/16Obama, ,
Obama wants the government to coerce everyone into voting and make it mandatory; despite that being the opposite of freedom4/8/16Freedom, Obama,
Obama wants you to give the government access to your data in return for protection4/7/16Obama, Freedom,
Obama to expedite Muslim refugees coming to American by cutting the vetting process. Does that sound dangerous yet?4/7/16Islam, Obama, Islam
Obama White House hosts day long event to discuss gender stereotypes in toys. I guess terrorism isn't that important4/6/16PC, Obama, Feminism
Obama admin tells landlords they can't 'discriminate' renting out to criminals. Calls it 'racism'4/4/16Obama, ,
Millionaires are fleeing Chicago at astonishing pace due to violence and racial tensions. Obama's Change has come true!4/4/16Obama, ,
The costs of Obama choosing not to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Assad4/3/16Obama, ,
Obama pouting over Iran not following the 'spirit' of the Iran nuclear deal. Who could have predicted that Iran wouldn't exactly keep their word4/2/16Obama, ,
Former Black Panther rips Obama, says he's done nothing but drive us apart4/2/16Race, Obama,
Despite the WaPo's claims, the Baby Boomers retiring is Not the reason for the drop in the labor workforce. It's actually the labor rate of people age (25-54) that have dropped the most4/2/16Obama, Media, Liberal Bias
Obama pushing for lenders to provide more loans to risky home buyers; showing leftist have learned nothing about the causes of the house market crash in the late 2000s4/2/16Obama, ,
VIDEO: Obama slips up admitting how bad the Iran nucelar deal is4/1/16Obama, Video,
White House censors French President for using the word 'Islamic Terrorism'4/1/16Obama, Islam,
Obama's effort to remove red tape adds $16 billion in losses. The biggest offender is the HHS3/31/16Obama, Healthcare,
Chicago having the deadliest year since 2008. Obama has changed the country!3/31/16Race, Obama,
The Emerging Disaster of Obamacare3/31/16Healthcare, Obama,
Obama releases another 22 drug dealers saying 'Good luck, and Godspeed'3/31/16Obama, ,
Obama frees 61 more drug dealers. He has now freed more criminals than the last six presidents combined. Obama: Great for Criminals, Illegal Immigrants, and Terrorists, not so much for the rest of us3/30/16Obama, ,
Obamacare patients are sicker and costlier than expected, needing significantly more expensive treatment plans than employer insurance programs. Slow clap for Obama now3/30/16Obama, Healthcare,
Obama commutes 22 more drug offenders just because. More than the previous six presidents combined3/30/16Obama, ,
Obama has now commuted 248 criminals from prison3/30/16Obama, ,
Even Hillary Clinton sees the burden of Obamacare. It's not affordable, raising premiums 15%, with no solution in sight3/29/16Healthcare, Obama,
Fidel Castro writes thank you letter to Obama titled 'Brother Obama' due to their dual commitment to communism and socialism3/28/16Obama, Socialism,
The populist surge in the 2016 election speaks volumes about Obama's horrible legacy as president3/28/16Obama, ,
While visiting socialist Argentina, President Obama declines to defend Capitalism telling locals to 'do whatever works'3/25/16Socialism, Obama,
Obamacare giving free healthcare to millions of illegals at taxpayer expense3/25/16Obama, Healthcare,
John Kerry says the U.S. is winning the war against ISIS and that's why the Brussels bombing happened3/25/16Islam, Liberal Bias, Obama
Obama says there's little difference between Communism and Capitalism3/25/16Obama, Socialism,
Rudy Guliani rightfully insists Hillary Clinton and Obama created ISIS3/24/16Islam, Obama,
Employers to drop millions from healthcare plans as Obamacare coverage spikes3/24/16Obama, Healthcare,
How Obama has actually hurt the black community during his presidency3/24/16Obama, Race,
Employers to drop millions from healthcare plans as Obamacare coverage spikes3/24/16Obama, Healthcare,
Obama says ISIS is not an 'existential threat' despite people being killed all over the world and domestic terrorists3/23/16Islam, Obama,
Obamacare has failed to lower premiums. Average increase about 5% EVERY YEAR since Obamacare was passed3/23/16Obama, Healthcare,
Obamacares six biggest failures. Premiums went up, People lost their doctors, half of co-ops failed among others3/23/16Obama, Healthcare,
Obama administration admits that releasing prisons from GITMO kills Americans3/23/16Obama, Islam, Video
VIDEO: Obama administration official admits that released Gitmo prisoners have gone on to kill Americans3/23/16Islam, Obama, Video
Even Bill Clinton admits Obama has been absolutely awful 3/22/16Obama, ,
Ohio's expansion of ObamaCare will cost $3.1 Billion more than projected3/21/16Obama, Healthcare,
VIDEO: Billions taken from the U.S. Treasury to pay for Obamacare3/21/16Healthcare, Video, Obama
VIDEO: Strolling through Chicago's South Side shows the way Obama voters live. Garbage everywhere, but it's all the white mans fault somehow3/20/16Race, Obama, Video
Obama admin trying to cover up spike in college loan defaults3/19/16Obama, Education,
VIDEO: Doctors say Obamacare has been a disaster3/19/16Healthcare, Obama,
Obama tells the GOP to not do what he did given the same opportunity to block SCOTUS nominee3/17/16Obama, ,
Black women unhappy with Obama after he nominates a white male to replace Justice Scalia. Not racist or sexist according to the media3/17/16Race, Obama,
Under Obama, youth income has dropped to the lowest since 19793/17/16Obama, Economics,
The Obama administration romanticizes Islam and finds Christians 'distasteful'3/17/16Obama, Islam, Religion
Operation Fast & Furious Gun found in El-Chapo hideout. Good job Obama3/16/16Obama, ,
U.S. General says the military is not in a great position against global powers like China and Russia due to dramatic budget cuts3/16/16Obama, ,
Trump and the Left's false accusations of Fascism and Obama's failed foreign policy3/16/16Media, Liberal Bias, Obama
Obama says black women have more pressure than other women to be beautiful than other women. The race baiting continues3/15/16Obama, Feminism, Race
Obamacare's Cadillac Tax will hit all the middle class3/15/16Healthcare, Obama,
Obama blocks more offshore drilling due to environmental activists groups3/15/16Obama, Environmental,
Over 100 illegal immigrants released by the Obama administration went on to murder someone after they were released3/14/16Immigration, Obama,
Obama reiterates that nothing going on is his fault. Ever. 3/13/16Obama, ,
VIDEO: Obama voter tells Hillary her healthcare premiums have doubled. Yay for Obamacare! 3/13/16Healthcare, Obama, Video
Obama laughed at for saying it's too difficult to vote; trying to enable illegals to vote3/12/16Obama, Immigration,
VIDEO: The Truth about the Chicago Trump riots3/12/16Media, Conservative, Video
The Ugly truth about Obama's economy. He hasn't helped it3/11/16Obama, Economics,
Obama ordering release of illegal aliens and prohibiting agents from smuggling hotbeds in Arizona3/9/16Immigration, Obama,
Obamacare fines double for uninsured during tax season3/8/16Healthcare, Obama,
Obama administration gives $500 Million of U.S. tax dollars to U.N. for a 'Green Climate Fund'3/8/16Environmental, Obama,
Millennials have been hit the hardest in the job losses3/4/16Economics, Obama,
Obama's amnesty loophole gives illegals path to citizenship3/3/16Immigration, Obama,
Obama to allow thousands more Syrian immigrants to come to the U.S. 3/2/16Obama, Immigration,
Obama added $6.6 Trillion to national debt3/1/16Obama, ,
Food Stamp usage near record high as unemployment still remains low. What does that say about the Obama economy?2/29/16Obama, ,
Obamacare falling short. About 12 to 16 million enrollees less than projected by the Obama Administration2/25/16Healthcare, Obama,
Obama administration quietly concedes defeat in ridiculous 'sanctuary cities' policy2/25/16Immigration, Freedom, Obama
Obama letting terrorist come into the U.S. legally. 29 immigrants have migrated legally that are suspected terrorists2/25/16Islam, Immigration, Obama
Eight of the eleven surviving co-ops under Obamacare are facing financial ruin2/25/16Healthcare, Obama,
Judge Orders Investigation into Obama fake SSN & Birth Certificat2/24/16Obama, ,
GitMo Warden says Obama has thrown national security out the window2/21/16Obama, Conservative,
Obama Thanks Black Lives Matter for all their outstanding work of destroying businesses2/21/16Obama, Race, Liberal Bias
Obama Administration working hard to make sure illegals can vote2/21/16Freedom, Obama, Immigration
Food Stamp usage at all time high despite low unemployment rate2/19/16Obama, ,
Obama's attempt to transform Supreme Court on thin ice2/19/16Obama, Freedom, Conservative
Obama's background in Filabustering Supreme Court nominees who aren't liberal2/19/16Obama, Freedom,
Obama to skip Justice Scalia's funeral; first time in 65 years a President skips funeral of a sitting Supreme Court Justice2/18/16Obama, ,
Gitmo prisoner that Obama released is now Chief Recruiter at al-Qaeda2/18/16Obama, Islam,
Russian Documentary titled 'Empire Obama' takes shots at American Corruption, starting with Obama2/18/16Obama, ,
Black Leaders say the debate over replacement of Justice Scalia & Obama's nominee is about race2/18/16Race, Obama,
ICE failed to deport an illegal immigrant 3 times for crimes, and then he went on to murder a Connecticut woman 2/18/16Immigration, Obama,
Joy Behar: ‘Racist’ Senate Won’t Confirm Scalia Replacement Because of Obama’s ‘Color’2/17/16Race, Obama, Media
Obama to meet with Race activists, Sharpton, BLM2/17/16Race, Obama,
Econimic Expert gives Obama a 'Gentlemen's C-grade on economy2/16/16Obama, ,
Michelle Obama: Blacks should Always Vote Democrat…forget thinking for yourself2/13/16Obama, Liberal Bias,
Obama admin has given $750 Million in Obamacare subsidies to illegal immigrants at taxpayer expense2/10/16Obama, Healthcare,
Senate report: Illegal immigrants benefited from up to $750M in ObamaCare subsidies2/8/16Obama, Immigration, Healthcare
Report shows the abundant fraud of Obamacare2/8/16Obama, Healthcare,
DHS official: I was ordered to desroy documents of Islamic Terror ties for political correctness2/6/16Obama, PC,
Obama wants to add a $10 (or 30%) tax on every barrel of oil because green companies don't make money2/5/16Obama, ,
Obama Uses Mosque Speech to Subordinate All Religion to the State2/4/16Obama, Religion,
President Obama scolds Americans for criticism of Islam. But attacking Christians is still fair game2/3/16Obama, Islam, Religion
Climate Costs Estimated at More Than $12 Trillion for U.S. Taxpayers 2/3/16Environmental, Obama,
Obama to visit Mosque with Muslim extremist ties1/30/16Obama, Islam,
Nearly half of young black men in Chicago are out of work, out of school1/28/16Obama, Race,
Democrats cry 'racism' after Obama is called a child1/25/16Media, Liberal Bias, Media
Obama frees al Queda's most killed bomb expert1/21/16Obama, Islam,
Obama loosens visa rules for travelers from terrorist countries1/21/16Obama, Islam,
Black People are worse off since Obama took office1/21/16Obama, Race,
Judge Rejects Obama's executive claim on Fast & Furious docs1/19/16Obama, ,
Obama's legacy is already collapsing1/19/16Obama, ,
Obama's Free Community College would cost New York City $232 million per year1/13/16Obama, Socialism,
How Obamacare is the most unsuccessful legislation in American history1/11/16Healthcare, Obama,
VIDEO: Prophetic warning: Libyan President Colonel Muammar Gaddafi warns former British Prime Minister Tony Blair of jihadi threats to Europe through destruction of Libya and mass Muslim migration 1/7/16Islam, Immigration, Violence
Obama hosting 'invitation only' event at GMU about gun control1/6/16Obama, Guns,
Obama’s recent vetoes were unconstitutional. Congress should sue him.12/30/15Obama, Conservative,
Obama's push for gay rights in Africa backfires; creates more hostility12/21/15Obama, LGBT,
Obama praises Campus protesters. But tells them not to force people to 'shut up' like Conservatives do. Unaware it's liberals that try to shut everyone else up12/21/15Obama, Education,
Obama lies about the amount of released Jihadi's from Gitmo Bay have rejoined terrorism groups12/14/15Obama, Islam,
ObamaCare on Life Support12/10/15Obama, Healthcare,
Six Years Later: Obama Finally Calls Fort Hood a Terrorist Attack12/7/15Obama, Islam,
VIDEO: Obama Caught Running ISIS 12/7/15Obama, Video, Islam
Obama Blames 2nd Ammendment, not terrorism for San Bernadino shooting12/3/15Obama, Guns,
Obama's inconsistent definitions of 'mass shootings' attempted to skew data towards gun control advocates12/3/15Guns, Obama,
ObamaCare is failing to make healthcare more affordable in spectacular fashion12/2/15Healthcare, Obama,
Obama says new Climate Tax is the most elegant way to stop Climate Change12/1/15Environmental, Obama, Freedom
Why Obamacare co-ops keep failing11/26/15Healthcare, Obama,
National Debt under Obama to increase by $8 Billion11/25/15Obama, ,
The $7,150 Obamacare deductible is coming in 201711/21/15Healthcare, Obama,
ObamaCare's predictable collapse11/20/15Healthcare, Obama,
Obama using taxpayer money to pay for bailout for Obamacare failure, without taxpayers knowing11/20/15Healthcare, Obama,
10 reasons Obamacare is, and will continue to be a failure11/20/15Healthcare, Obama,
Obama's phony war11/19/15Obama, Conservative,
VIDEO: Robert Spencer on Hannity: Obama's Disastrous Refugee Policy11/19/15Islam, Immigration, Obama
VIDEO: Montage of Obama praising Islam11/17/15Obama, Islam, Video
22 Times Obama claimed Climate Change a greater threat than terrorism11/14/15Obama, Environmental, Freedom
VIDEO: Obama says ISIS is on the Run11/14/15Obama, Video,
VIDEO: Obama mocks republicans for not wanting to bring terrorists into the United States 11/11/15Obama, Islam, Immigration
Iran: 'Death to America' is still our Slogan11/9/15Obama, ,
ObamaCare disaster continues: Doctors and Hospitals reject plans 11/6/15Healthcare, Obama,
ObamaCare is dead and it never had a chance. Just a terrible idea in the first place11/4/15Healthcare, Obama,
Obama to double National Debt11/1/15Obama, ,
Obamacare premiums to rise an average of 7.5% benchmark plan10/27/15Healthcare, Obama,
Obama celebrates deficit decrease, despite ballooning national debt10/22/15Obama, ,
VIDEO: Ben Shapiro Exposes Clock-Boy Narrative; Mohammedan False Flag; Megyn Kelly 10/19/15Islam, Obama, PC
The Biggest ObamaCare disaster you've never heard about10/16/15Healthcare, Obama,
One Third of ObamaCare Co-ops are dead10/15/15Healthcare, Obama,
Obama reduces the deportation of migrants to less than 1% of migrant population10/6/15Immigration, Obama,
At this rate, the country is on track to resettle more than 150,000 refugees in the fiscal year, a rate almost double the 84,995 resettled in FY 2016, and more than 40,000 greater than the 110,000 the Obama administration has proposed for FY 2017 10/6/15Islam, Immigration, Obama
Democrats retreating from ObamaCare10/1/15Obama, Healthcare,
More Co-ops closing down; ObamaCare killing them 9/29/15Obama, Healthcare,
Obamacare is still a disaster despite what the media says9/28/15Healthcare, Obama,
VIDEO: Dick Cheney on Obama's foreign policy failures, GOP race9/21/15Obama, Conservative, Video
Obama Respects Dictators more than Popes9/19/15Christianity, Obama,
Scientists Ask Obama To Prosecute Global Warming Skeptics9/17/15Obama, Environmental,
The Downside Of Keeping Interest Rates So Low For So Long 9/16/15Obama, Economics,
Obama says Republicans are Un-American9/15/15Obama, Liberal Bias,
Obama bringing in members of ISIS9/9/15Obama, Islam,
50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked and it's being called a ‘revolt’ by intelligence pros who are paid to give their honest assessment of the ISIS war—but are instead seeing their reports turned into happy talk. 9/9/15Obama, HoaxFraud, Islam
More than 100 terrorists released from Gitmo by Obama have returned to the battlefield to kill more people9/4/15Islam, Obama,
Obama Decides to change name of Alaskan Mountain; because President McKinley was a capitalist which means he's bad8/31/15Obama, Remove History,
VIDEO: The People vs Barack Obama8/26/15Obama, Conservative,
VIDEO: how the Left took hollywood8/26/15Media, Media, Liberal Bias
Obama Dumping Gitmo prisoners on states he doesn't like 8/21/15Obama, ,
Sheriff Clarke says Obama started the war on police8/13/15Race, Obama,
Obamacare failing Latinos8/8/15Obama, Healthcare,
VIDEO: Obama's Whitewashing Islamic terrorism and genocide8/5/15Obama, Islam, Video
An illegal alien breaks into 64-year-old woman's home, rapes her, beats her with a claw hammer and kills her. He had been arrested before 4 times, but not deported 8/5/15Immigration, Obama,
Obama keeps his promise: Electricity rates will skyrocket because of carbon rules8/3/15Obama, Environmental,
(New York Times in 2015 under Obama) Judge Orders Release of Immigrant Children Detained by U.S; says that holding children with their parents is illegal. (Now in 2018, Liberals are complaining about separating children with their parents) 7/26/15Immigration, Obama, Liberal Bias
ISIS Leader Admits that ISIS is being funded by Obama and the United States7/18/15Islam, Obama,
TRAITOR CITIES: Obamas Sanctuary Cities and municipal allies take deadly aim at Americas borders. 7/9/15Immigration, Liberal Bias,
Prosecutors Reveal Additional Sex Abuse Allegations Against Terry Bean, the gay rights advocate and big Obama donor. He is accused of grooming young boys since 19797/8/15Obama, Violence, LGBT
Nobel Prize Winning Scientist Dr. Ivar Giaever, Who Endorsed Obama Now Says President Obama is Ridiculous & Dead Wrong on Global Warming7/6/15Environmental, Obama, Science
Obamacare Co-op hid millions in consulting fees and executive's pay7/1/15Healthcare, Obama,
Obama Creates Petition to Ban American Flag6/29/15Patriotism, Obama,
VIDEO: Obama demands Christians deny Jesus6/28/15Obama, Video, Religion
Obama says those against gay marriage for religious reasons need to change their religion to accept homosexual marriage 6/28/15Obama, Religion,
Obama: Ditch Religion and support gay marriage6/26/15Obama, LGBT,
Obamacare is not here to stay6/26/15Obama, Healthcare,
Obama's top political advisor is a staunch communist6/25/15Obama, Freedom,
Obama administration says 'Nothing' about the Boston Bombing 'was Islam associated' despite the fact the bombers were Muslim extremists6/24/15Islam, Obama,
Comparing Death Rates from Mass Public Shootings and Mass Public Violence in the US and Europe (STAT) 6/23/15Guns, Violence,
Obama declares racism inhabits Americans DNA 6/23/15Obama, Race, Remove History
Obama Lies about mass shootings not happening in other countries6/22/15Guns, Obama,
Military General cites Obama as greatest military blunder in history6/12/15Obama, Conservative,
Gallup ignores the all time high food stamp usage as reason for 7-year low in Americans struggling to afford food6/7/15Obama, ,
Obama speechwriter conducts illegal gay wedding on White House grounds6/4/15Obama, LGBT, Religion
Nearly half of Americans don't have $400 in the bank 6/3/15Obama, ,
Obama has issued 468,000+ pages of new regulations in his first six years in office5/30/15Obama, ,
Israeli Prime Minster: Nuclear Iran 1,000 times more dangerous than ISIS5/26/15Obama, Islam,
40% of workers now have Contingent Jobs5/25/15Obama, Economics,
GDP abysmal under Obama4/29/15Obama, Conservative,
Army ROTC program allegedly pushed men to wear high heels for Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event4/21/15Obama, Feminism,
VIDEO: How Obama is screwing over the military and weeding out the best commanders we have4/2/15Obama, Video, Conservative
Iran Leader shouts 'Death to America' amid Nuclear talks; Obama still trusts Iran3/23/15Obama, Islam,
VIDEO: Obama hates Christians2/25/15Obama, Video, Religion
Obama loves the new America under his reign2/20/15Obama, Conservative,
VIDEO: Why Obama Defends Islam But Attacks Christians 2/7/15Obama, Christianity, Video
VIDEO: Obama's broken promises1/28/15Obama, Conservative,
Unilateral changes to Obamacare1/26/15Obama, Healthcare, Conservative
Obama National debt to reach $19 Trillion1/26/15Obama, ,
Obama calls homosexuality a 'lifestyle choice'; media completely silent1/24/15Obama, Media, LGBT
Income inequality got worse under Obama, not better1/20/15Economics, Obama,
VIDEO: The Biggest State Of The Union Lies of Barack Obama 1/20/15Obama, Conservative, Video
VIDEO: How Fracking Saved Obama's crappy economy1/14/15Environmental, Obama, Video
Low-Wage industries are cutting workers hours to avoid Obamacare1/13/15Obama, Healthcare, Economics
Obama's free Community College plan to cost $34 billion per year1/9/15Obama, Socialism,
VIDEO: Robert Spencer at Restoration Weekend 2014: What US Foreign Policy Should Be 12/17/14Islam, Conservative, Video
Obama quotes nonexistent Bible verse during speech about immigration 12/10/14Obama, Christianity, Immigration
STUDY: In 2008, 82% of illeglas who said they voted also stated that they voted for Democrat Barack Obama, and 18% said they voted for Republican John McCain (stat%) 12/1/14Immigration, VoterFraud,
Terry Bean the cofounder of the Human Rights Campaign, the most effective gay rights lobby in the country, arrested for rape a 15yr old boy. Obama called Bean my great friend and supporter, Terry Bean. Bean had raised over $1 million for Obamas political career. 11/21/14Obama, Violence, LGBT
Jonathan Gruber exposes Obama's healthcare lies11/18/14Obama, Healthcare,
14 ways ObamaCare is a disaster that you won't learn from liberal Vox11/12/14Healthcare, Obama,
VIDEO: Jonathan Gruber on video saying Obamacare was written to mislead 'stupid American voters' 11/12/14Healthcare, Conservative, Video
How Obama wants to get control over the Internet 11/11/14Obama, Freedom,
Obama Amnesty Advocates Are Pretty Forthright About Their Plan To Ignore The Law: of the 5 executive actions picked, four were illegitimate power-grabs by federal agencies which were later restricted or completely culled by Congress and the other wasn’t even an executive program at all, but one implemented by Congress11/5/14Obama, Immigration, Freedom
Obama is the most racist president in United States history11/3/14Obama, Media,
VIDEO: The Lies of Ferguson10/28/14Media, Race, Video
Obama sends ‘highest praise’ to Oklahoma beheader’s mosque, remains silent on beheading10/6/14Obama, Islam,
How Much Did HealthCare.gov Really Cost? More Than the Administration Tells Us10/1/14Obama, Healthcare,
Who Is Clay Jenkins? Former Obama attorney now head judge of dallas county texas10/1/14Freedom, Obama,
Obama's effort to reduce regulation in government operations actually increases regulation and costs taxpayers an extra $23 billion9/23/14Obama, Healthcare,
Why under Obamacare you cannot keep your plan, explained in 3 minutes9/22/14Healthcare, Obama,
The war on poverty has failed9/16/14Obama, Conservative,
VIDEO: Obama is President Coward and James Foley, diedbecause of it 9/5/14Obama, Conservative, Video
Administrative Amnesty: Unjust, Costly, and an Incentive for More Illegal Immigration8/14/14Obama, Immigration,
Democrats Arguing that Obama can decide whether or not to enforce the law regarding immigration 8/3/14Obama, Immigration, Liberal Bias
11 million Americans left workforce during Obama's tenure8/1/14Obama, ,
Here’s How Obama Plans On Destroying America As We Know It7/29/14Obama, Immigration,
VIDEO: The Obama Administration is run a lot like the Mafia6/21/14Conservative, Video, Obama
37% of Americans aren't working6/6/14Obama, Economics,
How Obama & EPA, disproportionately hurt the poor 6/4/14Obama, Environmental,
Obama is fighting for the Civil Right to committ voter fraud4/14/14Freedom, Obama,
President Obama’s Budget Eliminates Abstinence Education Programs4/5/14Obama, Abortion, Christianity
Obama released 36,007 convicted criminal aliens; 426 rapists, 193 murderers3/28/14Obama, Immigration,
ObamaCare latest news: No, you CANNOT keep your doctor3/14/14Healthcare, Obama,
Obama lays groundwork to take 401K and IRA2/14/14Obama, Freedom,
By 2024, the number of hours employers will reduce due to Obamacare is the equivalent of 2.5 million jobs2/4/14Healthcare, Obama,
Obama: ISIS "not Islamic" they are a JV team, not a real threat1/27/14Obama, Islam,
One in Five families is on food stamps1/22/14Obama, ,
Obama tells Americans they don't deserve to be free12/31/13Obama, Conservative,
VIDEO: How Obama plans to destroy America by adopting his father's anti-colonialist ideology11/18/13Conservative, Video, Obama
What Obama and I learned at Harvard11/11/13Obama, Socialism,
How British and American aid subsidises Palestinian terrorism11/11/13Islam, Obama,
VIDEO: 36 times Obama lied saying 'if you like you're plan, you can keep it11/5/13Obama, Video, Healthcare
Obama Administration Denied Mass to Catholics 10/8/13Christianity, Obama,
Complete list of Obama's scandals & crimes9/17/13Obama, Conservative,
VIDEO: Judge Jeanine BLASTS Obama's Foreign Policy Failures 8/20/13Obama, Conservative, Video
Conglomerate list of Obama's lies8/15/13Obama, ,
Here are 1,342 well sourced examples of Obamas lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, hypocrisy, waste, etc. 8/15/13Obama, Conservative,
Obamacare Louisiana Co-ops riddled with self-dealing and conflicts of interest8/12/13Healthcare, Obama,
The Continuing Obama IRS scandal6/23/13Obama, Freedom,
ObamaCare co-ops are under Federal Investigation6/13/13Healthcare, Obama,
Obama Strongly Objects to Religious Liberty Amendment 6/12/13Christianity, Obama, Freedom
IRS No Stranger to High-Profile Scandals Involving Presidents, Civil Rights Leaders, Religious Groups. FDR Released tax records of political opponents as well5/14/13Remove History, Freedom, Economics
Details of Obama's billions wasted on failed green energy companies5/9/13Obama, Environmental,
Obama Lists His Daughters As “Senior Staff” On $424,000 African Vacation5/3/13Obama, Conservative,
Pentagon Confirms it Will Court Martial Soldiers who Share Christian Faith 5/1/13Christianity, Freedom, Obama
Groups lead by insider trading and child abusers are getting Obamacare money4/3/13Healthcare, Obama,
Encouraging Lawful Immigration and Discouraging Unlawful Immigration3/27/13Obama, Immigration,
VIDEO: CBS Confirms Obama Birth Certificate is Fake!3/17/13Obama, ,
VIDEO: Myths, Lies and Complete STUPIDITY! John Stossel on Obesity Fighting with a Fat Tax, Obamacare is good for business, Fracking is horrible and more 3/11/13Freedom, Conservative, Video
Does the Obama mandate force you to pay for abortions? 2/26/13Abortion, Science, Obama
NPR Says Morning After Pills Are Not Abortions; despitekilling a life. Not exactly a fact checker2/26/13Abortion, Science, Media
Political ally and New York's Insurer with the most complaints gets $340 Million in Obamacare money because she's friends with Barack2/21/13Healthcare, Obama,
Obamacare co-ops being created behind closed doors2/5/13Healthcare, Obama,
VIDEO: Obama Lies Compilation 1/5/13Obama, Video,
Obama calls NDAA conscience clause for military chaplains ‘unnecessary and ill-advised’. The Clause would protect Christian Chaplains from Condoning Gay Marriage and not preaching in favor of it. Obama hates that idea1/3/13Christianity, Freedom, Obama
Obama's Green Energy Scam you may have missed12/27/12Obama, Environmental,
The Office of Civil Rights’ mandated procedures for investigating sexual assault are tilted heavily against the accused party. The institution can hire “neutral fact-finders” who produce the equivalent of a grand jury presentment, deny the accused an advisor of his choice, add witnesses that the accused student does not request, forbid the students from cross-examining his witnesses, and judge the student according to a 50.1 % preponderance of evidence standard, an approach that mocks even the pretense of due process 11/26/12Freedom, Obama, Feminism
VIDEO: Obama mocks passages of The Bible after taking them painfully out of context11/6/12Obama, Video, Religion
The Ten Worst Fact Checks of the 2012 Election11/5/12Indoctrination, Media, Liberal Bias
Obama collects growing number of illegal donations10/21/12Obama, Conservative,
Welfare spending jumps 32% during Obamas presidency 10/18/12economics, Obama,
Oil drilling permits down 36% for the Obama administration10/16/12Obama, Freedom,
VIDEO: Obama Most Bibilically Hostile President 10/12/12Obama, Conservative, Video
The 5 Million Green Jobs That Weren't 10/12/12Environmental, Conservative, Obama
Obama's Illegal Donor Loophole10/8/12Obama, Conservative,
VIDEO: Obama'as War on the Bible10/5/12Obama, Conservative, Video
Madonna gives odd Obama endorsement, calls him Muslim9/25/12Obama, Media,
VIDEO: Obama ecomics. Messing with the free market has consequences9/6/12Conservative, Video, Obama
New York Times plagiarizes with Obama campaign8/17/12Obama, Media,
Obama tells business owners they didn't build their business, the government did & has the right to take away7/16/12Obama, Freedom,
Obama making a play to confiscate guns? Opening paragraph says yes7/16/12Guns, Obama, Freedom
Liberal Study: Anchor Babies, Immigrant Kids Destroying Economy, Fastest Growing Population Group6/18/12Obama, Immigration,
Questioning Obama is Racist6/16/12Obama, Media, Race
American's wealth plummet 40% from 2007-20106/11/12Obama, Economics,
Barack Obama’s Ties to the Marxist Led New Party and “Progressive Chicago”6/7/12Obama, Conservative,
1001 Reasons to vote against Obama's re-election5/19/12Obama, ,
Obama claimed to be born in Kenya 5/17/12Obama, ,
White House 'Strongly Objects' to Legislation Protecting Military Chaplains from Doing Same-Sex Weddings or Being Forced to Act Against Conscience5/16/12Christianity, LGBT, Obama
Narcisistic Obama Inserts Himself in White House Biographies of Past Presidents5/15/12Obama, Conservative,
Obama sues Arizona for enforcing federal immigration law5/13/12Obama, Immigration,
Bin Laden: Kill Obama to Make Biden President5/3/12Islam, Conservative,
Obama working to control American's lives4/29/12Obama, Freedom,
Obama Raises money for Islamic causes4/11/12Obama, ,
Obama's economic policies has increased war on women4/10/12Obama, Feminism, Economics
Here We Go Again; Obama accepting more illegal campaign donations this election4/2/12Obama, ,
Obama's friend Bill Ayers: ‘I Get Up Every Morning and Think…Today I’m Going to End Capitalism’4/1/12Obama, Economics,
Obama oil antipathy hurts the U.S.3/17/12Obama, Environmental,
Obama's misleading stats about Oil usage3/15/12Obama, Conservative,
Bill Maher says Christians want to go back in time3/9/12Media, Liberal Bias, Media
Why Obama is the most biblically hostile President in U.S. History3/8/12Obama, Religion, Freedom
Obama wants you to pay even more for cars nobody wants3/8/12Obama, Environmental,
Obama Wants Free College For All!3/6/12Obama, Education,
Obama's War on Religious Liberty2/20/12Obama, Religion,
Obama Gave Billions to Green Energy Companies with Ties to His Admin2/16/12Obama, Environmental,
How the $800B stimulus failed1/29/12Obama, Conservative,
Bankrupt Green Energy Company that received $500 million from taxpayers Caught Destroying Brand New Parts1/19/12Obama, Environmental,
Lawyers are big donors to Obama thanks to the business he creates for lawyers1/19/12Obama, Healthcare,
Obama's Class Warfare1/13/12Obama, Economics,
Frito-Lay/PepsiCo Cashes in On Electric Truck Subsidies12/8/11Obama, Environmental,
Obama Omits 'God' from Thanksgiving Address 11/25/11Christianity, Obama,
Taxpayer-Subsidized Nissan Leaf Fails Real-Life Test11/10/11Obama, Environmental,
Obama was playing golf 20 minutes before Navy SEALS raided Bin laden. Takes all the credit11/7/11Obama, ,
Protecting Charities and Churches from Government Taxation proposed by Obama11/6/11Obama, Religion,
Obama Administration Opposes FDR Prayer at WWII Memorial11/4/11Christianity, Obama,
Volt drains power from economy, Obama’s 2012 campaign10/25/11Obama, Environmental,
‘Green jobs’ farm in Colorado sheds jobs after receiving $200M in stimulus funds10/24/11Obama, Environmental,
Solar Project That Received $1.2 Billion Federal Loan Sponsored by Financially Troubled Firm10/12/11Obama, Environmental,
Even Liberal Justice Kagan Balks at Obama's claim to rule over churches10/11/11Obama, Religion,
Obama empathizes with Occupy movement10/6/11Obama, Economics,
$737 Million Green Loan to Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law Fuels Outrage9/30/11Obama, Environmental,
Obama raising with Missouri stimulus beneficiary even after $107 million in taxpayer money9/23/11Obama, Environmental,
Obama's "Attack Watch" Website Urges Citizen Snitching to Big Brother Uncle Sam9/19/11Obama, Freedom,
Obama spent $17 billon to create 3,500 green jobs; only $4.8 million in taxpayer money per job9/15/11Obama, Environmental, Freedom
VIDEO: Yes, Obama is responsible for the bad economy-Bill O'Reilly8/25/11Obama, Video, Conservative
Electric Car Maker Folds, Salinas Loses $500,0007/19/11Obama, Environmental,
Where is the green jobs explosion Obama?6/13/11Obama, Environmental, Freedom
Obama Is Wrong: 18 Facts Which Prove That Illegal Immigration Is An Absolute Nightmare For The U.S. Economy5/11/11Obama, Immigration,
VIDEO: See a photoshop expert prove Obama's birth certificate released by the White house has been photoshoped and is a forgery4/28/11Obama, Video,
VIDEO: Another video from a photoshop expert showing you how you can see Obama's birth certificate is fake4/27/11Obama, Video,
VIDEO: Showing the photoshopped layers of Obama's fake birth certificate in Adobe4/27/11Obama, Video,
Obama White House Fails To Release Easter Proclamation. The White House did release statements recognizing the major Muslim holidays of Ramadan, Eid-ul-Fitr, Hajj, and Eid-ul-Adha4/25/11Obama, Christianity,
DOJ Source: Obama Political Appointees Squashed Indictment of CAIR Leader and Other Islamist Groups caught in Holyland foundation trial 4/11/11Obama, Islam, Violence
Unions raise $400 million to fund Obama3/15/11Obama, Unions,
Even Bill Clinton Calls Obama Drilling Delays ridiculous3/11/11Obama, Environmental,
President Obama says Tea Party are all a bunch of racists3/3/11Obama, Race,
Obama says Tea Party is racist3/2/11Obama, Race,
Obama Ignores Planned Parenthood Sex Trafficking Videos3/2/11Obama, Abortion,
Atheists steal cross from Veterans Memorial. Feds rule it doesn't need to be replace because Obama hates religion. Feds being sued to replace it 1/14/11Christianity, Obama,
A Compilation of Obama's Pro Abortion Record11/7/10Obama, Abortion,
Obama Admin investigated over Koch Tax status10/6/10Obama, Liberal Bias,
Obama omits 'by their creator' from Declaration of Independence quote9/27/10Obama, Religion,
Obama Backs Mosque building near Ground Zero8/13/10Islam, Obama, Christianity
White House Spent $23M of Taxpayer Money to Back Kenyan Constitution That Legalizes Abortion7/21/10Abortion, Obama,
Justice Department Files Suit Against Arizona Immigration Law 7/6/10Immigration, Obama, Freedom
VIDEO: Michelle Obama slips up and says on video in 'Obama's home country of Kenya' because he wasn't born in America4/7/10Obama, Video,
Obama Bans Islam, Jihad From National Security Strategy Document 4/7/10Islam, Obama,
Why hasn't Obama even nominated a candidate for the position of ambassador at large for international religious freedom?4/5/10Christianity, Obama,
Young people are getting squeezed out of the economy3/24/10Economics, Obama,
Veto by Obama raises questions1/12/10Obama, Conservative,
Obama White House Chrismas tree features Chairman Mao, a drag queen12/24/09Obama, Conservative,
Radical Ties To Obama AND His Green Czar Van Jones: Weather Underground and New Party Maoists 8/10/09Socialism, Environmental, Obama
Rahm Emanuel told the New York Times You dont ever want a crisis to go to waste; its an opportunity to do important things that you would otherwise avoid 8/2/09Liberal Bias, Obama,
There are no such things as 'green jobs' contrary to Obama funding7/29/09Obama, ,
VIDEO: See the Destruction of litter, pollution, and crime at the border Arizona showing footage of massive waves of immigrants caught on camera and the Obama administration preventing the cameras from collecting the footage of how bad it is7/15/09Immigration, Video,
Obama ends Bush-era National Prayer Day service at White House 5/7/09Christianity, Obama,
Obama Admin Terrorism Dictionary Calls Pro-Life Advocates Violent, Racist 5/5/09Abortion, Obama, Christianity
Obama Defends greeting Socialist Dictator Hugo Chavez4/20/09Obama, ,
Obama leaves Jesus out of Georgetown speech4/17/09Christianity, Obama,
The Vatican has vetoed three of Barack Obama's potential nominees as US ambassador amid a growing dispute between the White House and the Roman Catholic church over the new administration's support for abortion rights4/14/09Christianity, Obama, Abortion
Obama wants to control Banks4/4/09Obama, ,
Obama Administration Announces $50 Million for Pro-Forced Abortion UNFPA3/26/09Abortion, Obama,
Obama blocks offshore drilling despite job creation potential2/11/09Obama, ,
Record 95,102,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Number Grew 18% Since Obama Took Office in 2009 1/6/09Obama, economics,
Obama accepting untraceable donations10/29/08Obama, Conservative,
VIDEO: Barack Obama says he is against gay marriage 10/28/08LGBT, Obama, Video
Liberal Blogs like Dailey Kos report people shouted 'kill him' referencing Obama at a Sarah Palin ralley. After investigation, video reported the shouter yelled 'he's a redistributor' 10/28/08HoaxFraud, Media, Liberal Bias
Obama tells supporters if they bring a knife, we'll bring a gun6/14/08Obama, ,
Obama suggest American's eat less to curb Climate Change5/19/08Obama, Environmental,
Obama tells small town in Pennslyvania that all Republicans are racists4/11/08Obama, Race,

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